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You don't need to pretend that perfection is your friend, 'cause we're all broken. We all end up alone.

The next day Bea was still upset about the whole ordeal, and Tyler didn't know what to do.

She kept crying for Josh and telling Tyler she hated him. Bea has never ever told him that she hated him, and Tyler just wanted to cry.

Why couldn't Bea understand? Why can she be older and wise like Tyler?

Maybe then she'd realize how much it hurts to watch the love of your life die in front of you while you're left with a perfect reminder of her.

Maybe then she'd realize how much it kills you inside to know that you have to raise your child alone and be a single parent.

Why couldn't she realize Tyler felt torn at the seams?

Tyler felt like he was a child's favorite old stuffie. His body tearing at the seams while cotton falls from him as he begins to fade.

He did feel attracted to Josh, but he can't love him.

He simply can not.

He loved Jenna and devoted his life to her. They had plans they were going to get married, paint the living room a light shade of blue, and grow old together with their little Bea. He planned out his whole life with someone who was taken away.

He physically can not bring himself to love again.

Maybe if she was older she'd understand, or at least that's what Tyler chooses to think.

He never understood how some people love again after losing someone they hold so dearly. It was like they didn't even remember.

Tyler could still see her in everything. She was the serene giggle their little girl emitted between her crooked teeth that favored Tyler's.

She was the cerulean sky that surrounded them on the warm, sunny days.

She was in the fragile, tiny blue flowers Tyler grew in his little garden in the backyard.

She was the wind whisking by and blowing Bea's curls crazily as her and Tyler laughed and beamed at each other.

She was still with him and maybe it's because he hasn't let go. Maybe he's not ready.

He didn't even get a goodbye.

He hasn't let go, and he's starting to think he never will.

He doesn't want to.

Sighing, Tyler stands up and makes his way to Bea's room where he slowly pushes the door open with a creak.

Her small frame is enveloped in her sheets as her curls barely poke out from under her comforter.

He ignores the pulling at his heart as he makes his way over to her bed and sits next to her. She shuffles around before peeking out at him.

Her brown eye looking at him for a mere second before she makes a sound of disgust and pulls the blankets back over her face.

"Bea, please quit being like this."

"No! You're mean and you made Joshie sad! You're a meanie and I hate you. Joshie was my friend and you hurt him. Don't talk to me you stupid head! You're ugly and mean!"

Her squeaky voice rises as she jerks her covers off of her messy hair and looks at Tyler with a storm in this mix matched eyes.

"Bea, just please listen to daddy," Tyler tries to reach for her only to have her jerk away and narrow her little eyes at him.

"Leave me alone you meanie!"

Sighing in defeat Tyler stands up and makes his way towards the door only to look back at Bea one more time.

He wishes she could just understand how he feels.

He wishes he could understand how he feels.


So, I've been working all day. I've been painting and I swear I only wanted to update the whole time.

I feel like this story is slowly coming to an end and I hate it. I never want to end this fic.

I'll try to update tomorrow after work before school starts back and I want to sleep for 20 years.

And as I said Jenna will be mentioned throughout this whole story. Don't like it? Get over it.

Work Selfie:


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