Chapter 4 ~Crazy Dream~

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~B" I'm a MIFWA!" ~K" Yes you are Bree~Chan." ~B" Why! I didn't have any potions or spells." ~K" Maybe when you came into the classroom." ~B" Ok?" ~Mrs. Love. " Alright Mifwas, today is the first day and we have not many things to do." ~B" That is awesome." ~Mrs. Love " Class today I will give your new Mifwa textbooks." ~B" That sounds cool." ~Mrs. Love " Ok everyone come and get your books." ~B" I am very excited I'm going to get my book Kitten~Chan." *runs to the front* ~K" Bree~Chan wait!" ~B" Sorry Kitten~Chan I'm going crazy for my book." ~K" Your ok." *bell rings* ~B" Bye Kitten~Chan." ~K" Bye Bree~Chan."

~~Gilly's POV~~   

I'm so excited to see Bree when we walk out, we walk together. ~B" Hey Gilly." ~G" Hey Bree, we can walk together to your bus." ~B" Sure and hey I have to tell you something , Call me ." ~G" Uhh... ok." I rode home in the bus, then I ran inside, grabbed my phone and started calling Bree."

~B" Hey Gilly."                                                                                                                          

~G" Hey Bree." 

~B" Alright the thing I was going to tell you.

~G" What is it, tell me !

~B" I was a Mifwa in my last class! :)

~G" WHAT!" 

~B" Yeah I know crazy right."

~G" Yes, but I have to go to track see ya later BFF." 

~B" Alright bye :)."

~The next day at school and it was a little strange? I have no idea why it was so weird!~

~B" Hey Gilly, how was track yesterday?" ~G" I was fine, I was a little worn out after it." ~B" Nice, Well I have to get to class." ~G" Me too, I have to get there before every seat is gone!" Then I was on my way to Advanced English, then I saw Jayden." ~B" Hey Jayden whats up?" ~J" Nothin just heading to Math." ~B" Well I have a question, do you want to sit at lunch with us." ~J" YESS, I finally brought a lunch, my mom never packs it." ~B" Well thats cool, anyway see ya." ~J" See ya next class." I went off to Adv. English, I had my homework and everything together." ~B" Hey Mrs. Kitty I brought my homework." ~Mrs.Kitty " Your 10 minutes late !" ~B" But... bu....." ~Mrs. Kitty" No buts, but yours in detention after school!" ~B" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" ~B" Gah!" ~B" Thank goodness it was all a dream." I then went back to sleep and went to school and saw I was a Mifwa again? ~G" Bree, you are a Mifwa again!" ~B" Hopefully it isn't permanent." ~G" I have no idea, but you might be this for a while." ~B" Well I have to go to my classes." ~G" Alright see ya." I was walking and I saw ~B" Jayden!" ~J" Hey Bree how....are you." ~B" Great I just had the weirdest dream last night that I had gotten detention, whats wrong." ~J" Umm, you have cat ears." ~B" I know, I have Mifwa powers." ~J" Ok that's awesome and by the way you are to sweet to get detention." ~B" Thanks *blushes*." 

~Lunch Time~

~B"Hey Gilly, Jayden may sit with us." ~G" Thats cool." ~B" Jayden over here." ~J" Alright." ~G" So Bree, how was English." ~B" Good." ~J" Hey guess what, I made the football team!" ~B" Thats awesome, I made volleyball, and I am in a mifwa class." ~J" Yeah I saw that earlier." ~G" Hey Bree, would you like to get ice cream after school, and Jayden you may come if you'd like." ~J" Sure, I would love too." ~time goes forward~

~B" Gilly I'm here where are you." ~G" I'm right here!" ~B" Oh, I didn't see you." ~G" Wheres Jayden." ~B" I have no.... there he is." ~J" Hey guys sorry if I'm late." ~G" Your fine." ~J" Thanks anyway lets go in." ~B" Alright." We then went in and the place was barely full." ~B" Hey this place is not full at all." ~J" I know right." ~G" same here." We them got our ice cream and sat down, I had Cake batter, Gilly had Chocolate Truffle, and Jayden had Peanut Butter Swirl. ~G" Wow this place has the BEST ice cream." ~J" Same here." ~B" Me too." We had a great time until. ~J" Hey Bree, I have to tell you something." ~B" What is it Jayden?".........


Well my kittens sorry I have not been doing this book for a while, but I will be doing it more hopefully. Well anyway what is Jayden gonna tell me Bree you will see in the next chapter :) Bye for now my kittens. :3

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