Chapter 6 ~Carnival Pt. 1~

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Bree's POV

It was Friday, the day of the Carnival, Gillian was in the carnival, but she was undercover at the same time. She is such a great friend!

~J" Hey Bree." ~B" Hey Jayden." ~B" Sooooo, do you want to go play some games." ~J" Sure." We then went straight toward the pick as many flowers one." ~B" I can pick more flowers than you. ~J" No I can pick more flowers!" ~L" Step right up, to Who Can Pick More Flowers. ~B" LIONA!" ~L" YOU!" ~L" Why is she with Jayden, he is a Junior?" ~J" You know her too." ~B" Unfortunately, yes." ~J" Same here, she used to be my girlfriend last year." ~B" Really!" ~J" Yes, but I broke up with her because she was being so rude." ~B" Does she hate you still." ~J" Maybe, who really knows." ~L" Hey Jayden come over here and help me run the booth." ~J" LIONA NO, you are being rude to Bree." ~L" That's that losers name." ~J" Just stop ok." ~L" Grrrrrrr."

Gilly's POV

I was undercover on Bree, to help her out, then..... ~X" ICE CREAM!" ~G" Xander, shhhhhh!" ~X" Sorry Gilly, but it's ice cream." ~G" Fine we can get some, but we have hurry." We then ran over to the ice cream cart and there was a long, ~G" LINE!" ~X" Please Gilly, Please, Bree will be fine." ~G" Ok, but when we order we need to be fast." ~X" Ok, LINE HURRY!"

Bree's POV

We then skipped that booth and went onto the Haunted House, I was so scared, but Jayden wasn't and he was there for me. ~B" I'm soooo scared for this Jayden." ~J" Its ok, I'm here for u." ~B" Thank you *shivers*." LATER THAT DAY. ~B" AAHHHHH!" ~J" BREE WHERE ARE YOU." ~B" JAYDEN IM OVER HERE." ~J" IM COMING BREE." ~G" BREE ARE YOU OK!" ~J" oh hey Gilly I though you weren't going to make it." ~G" Welllllll......" ~J" Tell me why your here, but first we need to save Bree." ~B" GUYS HELP ME!" ~J&G" We are here for you Bree." ~G" What is wrong exactly." ~B" Ummm, there was a ghost chasing me." ~J" Where?" ~B" Right.....Ther....." ~J" It's fine, me and Gilly have got your back." ~B" I know you guys do." ~ J" Anyway, hey Gilly you were saying." ~G" Ohhhhh....yeah......" ~B" *nervous* Tell him what." ~G" *whispers in ear* about me spying on you guys." ~B" ohhhhhh!" ~G" *still whispers* Want me to tell him." ~B" How about let me tell him." ~G" Ok." ~J" Ok what is it you wanted to tell me." ~B" Ok please don't be mad, but *nervous*....." ~J" Bree don't be nervous, you are the best person I have ever met, I won't over react." ~B" Ok here it goes, I had Gilly spy on us, to help me on this date." ~J" *gulp* It's ok, I still am your friend and your the best, and you think this is a date." ~B" Well I thought it was since you asked me in a kind generous way, and I could see you blushing a little." ~J" *blushes*." ~B" Do you want to go on the Ferris wheel." ~J" Sure, Gilly if you want you can come." ~G" That's ok, I will be at the snack bar." 


Sorry my kittens that's all for this part and the other part will be published soon, so stay tuned. :3 LUV U MY KITTENS💕😺

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