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Hey everyone! So well yeah this is my first werewolf book, I'm not an expert writer but imma gonna try the best to make this book amazing and sorry if there is any grammar errors, well lets say that Grammar is my weakness, if you find any grammar erros, you can tell me, I'll make sure to correct it asap and please no rude comments and yeah that all and thank you for clicking on my story. I hope you enjoy it!

So this story is divided into three book:

1) The Alpha (previously known as Lost in 6 days)

2) Taming her (not yet published)

3) Love you, Emy (not yet published)

Before you guys start to read the book, there are some things you need to understand to understand the story:

Things to know before reading:

A Royal:- A royal is a werewolf who is supreme in the werewolf rank, even greater than an actual Luna, Alpha or Beta,etc. They are special werewolf given powers from birth but their powers are activated only on their 15th birthday.

The Royal Savers:- In the werewolf's world they are only 6 royals and they all together form the Royal Savers? Why? Because Long ago, Vampires were persistent to finish the werewolf race in fear of them becoming more powerful than the vampires and then a war was declared where both of them had to fight and where a big misunderstanding was cleared but now that Reven, an evil vampire has taken the throne, he is willing to continue to extinct werewolves. That why the Royal Savers still exist.

Legendary Luna and Alpha:- They are the leaders of the Royal savers and they are greater than any actual Alpha and Luna. Both of them can cast spells , are agile and fast, cannot be defeated easily, and many more things but in other words they are invincible.

Royal Beta and Beta female :- There are 2 Royal Beta and 2 Royal Beta Female: The first Royal Beta control the element earth whereas the other control the element water. The first Royal Beta female control the element air whereas the other the element fire. Now why 2 Royal beta and Beta female? Because the Beta and Beta female of the pack of the Legendary Alpha and the Beta of the Legendary Luna's pack are destined to be the Royal Beta and Royal Beta female.

The Six powers of the Supernatural:-

The Six powers of the Supernatural are the powers of the Royal Savers. Like I have said the Royal Betas control the four element but the Legendary Alpha and Luna to get their real powers has to face the Six judgement of the supernatural. [You'II about it more in the second book]

:-So the main characters are

-Dexter Walter / Dex Walter

-Elena Jourdan / Emy Jourdan

-Zia Lydansy: BFF of Elena

-Nike Jourdan: Cousin of Elena

:-second-in characters:

-Adam Wright: Best friend of Dex

-Nat wilson: Mate of Adam

-Stella Wright: sister of Adam

(There will also be others new characters throughout the book)

And lastly




"Apres chaque conte de fée, il y a une fin indésitive, un destin a parcourir. Au delá des flames, des Océans déchaines, j'ai sombré dans le noir. A ce moment lá, j'ai vu cette lumière qui m'appellait au loin"

I heard the masculine voice singing and I found myself enjoying every bit of the song like I knew that song. I was about to stand up and find out where this voice was coming from when I felt a presence next to me. I quickly turned around to be meet by a green eyes, making my heart melt right now. I looked at the men intensely. He was much taller than me and looked much older than me too, around 20-24 years old.

He had black hair and look like a  Greek god I must say. i stare at him, taking in his every beautiful features. "Damn" I found myself thinking. He was not less than a Greek God. He was muscular, and from the shirt he put, you could see his 6 pack and toned abs. His face was a beauty. I could stare at him and never get bored. "What the hell?" I thought. Why was I drooling over a guy like that? I was so busy thinking about the sexy stranger that I didn't notice, he was so closer to me.

I look at him and suddenly out of the blue, he put his right hand on my cheek. Like he was admiring me, making sure I was no illusion. At that very moment, I felt sparks from the contact of our skin in my body and everything became a blur to me. Only one word could be form in my mouth. The famous word "mate". I looked at him eyes wide. My face shocked.

"How?" was the only thing I could think of.

Oh my gosh! I have a second mate I thought shivering but how the heck?

And by the way there will be a little bit of cursing in this book, read at your own risk! Also this book was written like last year and I finally decided to edit it and change some details.Thank you for clicking on my story and taking your time to read it, I hope you will stay with me till the end. For now, See you soon <3


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