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Dex's pov

"In the honour of finding my beta's mate, Nat Wilson I declared the party open" I said while opening the champagne.

Yeah! The perks of being an Alpha.  -Note the sarcasm.

Since everyone was busy congratulating the two new couple, I took this opportunity to get away from the crowd formed and went in a more 'tranquille place" (quiet place).

I look at my beta, Adam, with sadness and jealousy. Not that I wanted to ruin their happiness, it just that I'm way too impatient to find mine.

My Mate, The Luna of my Pack and the girl of my dreams but one thing still bothered me- Emy. That girl was stuck in my mind.

I placed my head on the wall, closed my eyes and let the feeling of guiltiness invade me. Because of my one stupid mistake, I lost her and it was so damn stupid.

I could have stop it, I could hav-"Dex get your butt here!" I heard a voice and immediately recognised it as Adam.

Adam was not only my beta but he also was my brother and best-friend since I remember. This dude knew way too much about me and that the only reason he is still my best-friend. (Just kidding xD)

Adam was a well-muscled guy with black hair and eyes and those damn perfect eyebrows and sharp jaws

Even though he appeared to be kinda scary, he was actually a kid. Kind, funny and awesome. That what he has. And may I also add that this dude had girls falling to his feet.

"Man can't I have some privacy" I complained like a 5 year old child.

"Dex let me snap you to reality that you have to meet the Alpha of the moonlight pack for Nat." Adam replied back while rolling his eyes at me.

"Can you do the formality yourself?" I asked my lazy self getting the best of me. Yes I was that lazy! Don't freaking judge me, K?

"Ahh so, I'm the Alpha of this pack right? Dexter freaking Walter you're the darn Alpha not me!" He said making me think of my mother.

Yup, he almost seem like my mom, reminding me that I should stop being careless and start taking responsibility.

I growled and get off the wall and walked to see the i don't know who Alpha. I could see Adam smirking at me but he had the chance he was my best friend or else I don't know I would do to him.

" I so hate him" I thought and signed. This dude really do magic to make me go and do that shit.

I was walking around randomly when a girl bumped against me. I was about to throw insults at that person when instantly a scent hit me.

Dang! It was the most freaking amazing smell I had ever smelt.

It was of rain and the water of the Indian Ocean. Damn, I could get used to this smell.

"Mate! Mate!" My wolf, Hunter start yelling. Ohh fuck..

After a moment of shock, I smiled at myself, knowing I found my mate. Duh, and just a few moments ago I was being impatient as hell.

Not wasting any time, I pinned my little mate to the nearby wall and look at her. She was so pretty that i could not stop from checking her out.

I felt my hands brushing against her cheeks and I felt those sparks through my body. Damn...

I let my hands, pull her chin up, so that I can see her face I was impatiently waited to see who my beautiful mate was when,

That same brown eyes locked with my blue sapphire eyes, my eyes widen in shock.

"How?" I thought but managed to keep my face neutral while inside me was a mess. In front me, was standing my long lost, Emy. Well not that long...

When I realised her eyes was teary I knew she had recognised me by the guy who broke her heart and in no time, she closed her beautiful eyes and blacked out letting me catch her petite body.

Right now I couldn't care less that, my mate would hate me when she woke up. All I care was that I found her after all those time waiting.

Not wasting time, I carry her bridal way to the guest room. "She was light as a feather" I thought.

I pull her closer to me in my arms and walked up the stairs. When reaching the room, I tried to open the door but failed.

Finally giving in, I used my powers and opened the door. I carefully put Emy on the bed and pulled the blanket around her.

When satisfied that my mate was asleep without any problem, I was about to leave to search the moonlight pack doctor in case she had something but then something hit me.

I should probably put a spell in case Emy try to escape and I'II have to kidnap her and all that nonsense in those werewolves' stories (You are in a werewolf story dude! Haha lol)

Hey don't blame me! I don't want my mate escaping me, then I'II have to search her. Better be prepared than sorry I thought and murmured: "Barrier des abyss, Plongez cette chambre dans votre magie"

I smiled at myself for the work and went out to find Adam. But before leaving the room, I turned around to see my mate face again and automatically a smile formed its way on my lips.

Well obviously she was my mate, duh,..

After I came back downstairs in the party and noticed Adam was nowhere to be seen. I tried to contact him though the mind link but he ignore me.

Guess, I have to use the other way. *smile evily*

"ADAM WRIGHT! GET YOU BUTT HERE! DON'T YOU WANT TO SEE YOUR LUNA OR WHAT?" I practically yelled in the mind link.

And that was when, that jerk decided to answer, well actually reply.

"WHAT THE HECK? YOU FOUND YOUR MATE? JUST TELL ME WHERE YOU ARE AND I'II COME" He yelled also and added: " and between congrats! "

I laughed to myself for his reply and told him I was in the guest room of the moonlight pack.

"Strange destiny indeed"

Hey guys! See I told you that I would update today! Hehe..xD Well the quote above don't have anything related to this chapter but since I loved the quote, I decide to put it! So yeah! And also please check keshu3006  book "From strangers to Lovers" Her book is freaking awesome. That all for today! xD Don't forget to vote, comment and share! Love u all <3


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