Betting with my Beta

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Dex's pov

*Next morning*

I woke up a room next to Emy so that I could watch her overnight.

Cheesy I know xD

This girl made me crazy about in only 1 day then what about the rest of our life?

What? I'm a future thinker.

I jumped up from my bed and headed to my bathroom to take a bath.

When I finished with all that, I decided to pay my little mate a visit.

A little visit wouldn't harm anything right?

I was making my way to the guest room where Emy was sleeping when I heard Adam yelling my name.

"Jeez Adam no need to yell, we are werewolf not some deaf person beta" I told him.

"Yeah Yeah whatever" Adam responded while I rolled my eyes at him.

He's for heaven's sake the beta of at least 28000 werewolves and he's acting like a 5 year old child who just got his gift on Christmas I thought and chuckled a bit

"You're chuckling at what Mr big Alpha" he asked in a baby voice.


"For heaven's sake Adam stop or Its your Luna who's going to kill you." I replied back.

Meh! I'm kinda addict to the Luna word

"You wanna bet Alpha?" He asked jumping up and down
"Sure thing Beta" I said while smirking.

And with that, we both made a race till Emy's room.

Just then, my beautiful mate opened her door, already dressed up.

That Emy for sure.

Shoot! I mean Elena.

"What do you wolfie boys want" She asked with an eyebrow up.

My wolf wanted to kiss her and so do I but self control man.

Earn her trust first then all this thing.

"I have  a bet to win against your mate" Adam spoke.

Emy seem a little uncomfortable to people referring me as her mate but she managed to speak and told Adam to go on.

Then Adam start rambling what happen between us while I leaned my back to the wall and watched them.

"Prepared to lose Adam" I thought and smirked.

When Adam finished his rambling, Elena look from Adam to me and opened her mouth to speak.

"So first of all Adam, you win this bet because I would not kill you and two, I like when people annoy the person I hate" She said smirking.

What the Heck?

My jaw dropped to the ground when I heard what she said.

"W-What t-the h-heck" I rambled. Adam laughed so hard that there were tears in his eyes and so was Emy's condition.

"Someone just lost a bet! Someone just lost a bet! The big Alpha lost a bet!" Adam sung running downstairs, jumping up and down.

Emy chuckled at Adam, a beautiful smile on her face.

If losing this bet result in my mate smiling, I'II lose as many time as I have to.

Cheesy line but that what happen when you're in love duh.

Emy turned around and look at me, then turned on her heels and ran downstairs to take her breakfast.

My lips twisted into a smile.

"We'II earn her trust human, We'II do it" I heard my wolf, Hunter's voice.

For once, I did not argued with him for calling me human and agreed with him, then ran downstairs to join the others for breakfast.

We'II do it, I'II gain her trust one day or the other...


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