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First I'd like to add I love danisnotonfire and amazingphil so if you do too watch the video in the bar for pure laughter #justsaying ok to srs business I've never done this so I'm gonna do 10 questions and tag some peeps to do it too
1.Hi haha
2.I live on earth (that's all I'm saying)
4pizza is the best app ever
5.I'm addicted to YouTube (specificly Dan and Phil, anyone feel my pain comment and tell me)
6.YouTube. that's all I have to say
7.Monday is ok for me :(
8.I love stationery app ever=every good app ever
10.I'll probably never update

Ok peeps that's the end of the first get to know me session I tag


Here's my jingle
Get to know me through the internet

Oh I almost forgot watch the vid and tell me what you think of this post

Love ya xx

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