Chapter 3- Special Wands

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Avery's POV

I open my eyes to the bright sunlight coming from my window. I yawn and stretch my arms out wide. "Mistress Avery?"

Our house elf, Lana, pops into my room. "Yes Lana?"

"Breakfast is ready if you wish to come down."


"Yes Mistress Avery?"

"What day is it?"

"It is Lana's Birthday Mistress Avery."

I smile wide. "I have a present for you Lana!"

She smiles at me. "Sweet amazing child." she whispers.

I get out of my bed and look under it. Ah ha! I pull out a small dress that I bought her. "Here you go Lana."

Tears go to her big eyes. "This means I'm free though Avery."

"I know. I never liked the thought of a creature boxed up in a house and treated like a servant."

"Oh your family never treated me like a servant. It was a pleasure being a house elf for your amazing mother and father and you. But I have always wished to go to Hogwarts and be a kitchen crew. Now I can! Thank you Miss Avery thank you!"

With a pop she's gone. Mother and father won't miss her too much. Mother always cooks the meals and father always washes laundry. They won't mind.

I walk downstairs. My mother is waiting in an apron. "Do you know what day it is Avery?"

"It's Lana's birthday."

"Exactly! Where is she?"


My mother's mouth drops, "Hogwarts?"

"I may've given her a dress for her birthday and set her free."

"Oh well that's good because I was going to give her a pair of socks for her birthday." my mother says, smiling.

"Now come and eat!" she commands.

I run downstairs to find my father sitting down already. There's eggs, bacon, and toast out on the table. I take two eggs and five pieces of bacon plus two toasts. I start eating immediately.

"This is delicious mum! Thank you."

"Your welcome. Oh it looks like mail is here."

Our small boreal owl Gilda flutters in through our open window. She lands on the table and drops a letter by me.

It has the Hogwarts stamp!

"Mum!! It's my acceptance letter to Hogwarts!"

"Congratulations dear. We already have all you things ready as a surprise! Including a cat carrier for Firebolt."

I smile at my parents. "Thank you so much! What about my wand?"

"Your wand is one thing we didn't get. We are going to go get it today! Geez I wonder what the best shop to get it at is?" my father look to my mother.

She smiles, "Ollivanders."

"But Ollivanders is closed?" my father says confused.

"No he apparently had a daughter who had a daughter so his granddaughter is running it now. I found out that she is rather strange, as Ollivander was. That's where we will be getting your wand." Mum says.

"Thank you so much!"

I hug them both, grinning like a fool I was.

My father holds out an arm to mother and me. "Why not go now?"

"I think that's a good idea Draco. Grab your father's arm and hold on tight Avery." my mother instructs me.


I take my father's arm and there's a whirl of air. I scream really loud and squeeze my eyes shut.

"Honey open your eyes. It's over."

I open one eye to my dad's voice. "Can you retract the claws?" my dad asks.

I let go of his arm to see we are standing in Diagon Alley. I look to my mom and she points to the store in front of us. "This is it Avery. Where I got my wand and where your father got your wand."

I smile, "Are you serious?"

"Yes! Now let's head inside."

My mother ushers us through the door. "Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy?"

A musical, flowing, magical voice with a feminine woman attached to it. She has silver hair and wide green eyes. "My grandfather told me about you. Granger, 10 3/4, vine wood, dragon heartstring. Malfoy, 10, hawthorn, unicorn hair and also 18, elm, and dragon heartstring."

She looks to me. "Ah this must be the infamous Avery May Malfoy. I thought I'd be seeing you here soon."

"Yes! I'm going to Hogwarts soon."

"That's wonderful. When I went to Hogwarts I was a Ravenclaw. Now I wonder what the mixture of your parents will give you for a wand. There's the Malfoy part, cunning, smart, sly, and blue eyed. Then the Granger part, smart, courageous, kind, brave, feisty, and loving. Also you have your own character traits of course."

She fingers some different boxes. "Try flicking this one."

She pulls out a rather short fat wand and hands it to me. I flick my wrist and nothing happens. "Certainly not!" she exclaims.

I do this with a few more and nothing's happens. "I wonder..."

She pulls out a long, slender, wand and hands it to me. I take it my hand and there's a chill throughout the room and the wand glows.

"This is very curious. There was only one feather that phoenix ever gave and the last person to get a Phoenix feather wand was Harry Potter. And there's also a unicorn hair in there. That's one of the only wands in existence with a wand like that. It was an accidental wand. You will be very great young lady."

My mom smiles at me and my father pats my shoulder. "How much for the wand?"

"20 gold galleons."

My mother hands over the money and I walk out with the widest smile on my face.

This was an amazing day.
Hey hope you enjoyed this chapter! Not much else to say at the moment except for that she got a very special wand indeed.

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Stay beautiful<3

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