Chapter 9

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Avery's POV
I go into the library with a smile on my face. I can finally find books as much as I want! So many to choose from? I could sing!

I walk over to the librarian. "Excuse me."

"Yes miss?"

"Do you have any books about the Hogwart's Battle?"

"Quite a few, why?"

"I just am interested in that subject."

"Well, go search over there. There's a biography by Harry Potter even. And Ron Weasley. Those are rather amazing reads."


I walk over to the bookcase she indicated to. I run my finger along the binds of the books, "Quidditch Through The Ages," "A War From A War Heroes View," "True Story of Hogwarts' War and Horcrux Destroying."

I take off the last one. Written by Harry Potter. Perhaps I shall learn more about my archenemies' dad.

Let's get a look at the froth chapter, "Relations With A Granger"

I can say that I loved her as a friend, the bushy haired brunette. Never in a million years I'd suspect this the first time I saw the stuckup girl. A Muggle Born girl with giant eyes. If you are wondering about my relations with her now, let's say that I hope they heal and turn into old scars.

We fought side by side no matter what. Even when Weasley left us to pursue something else of value. I never squabbled with Hermione no matter what. We got along amazing.

If you are looking for more information on my relations and feelings now about her, please look in Chapter 13, Sisterly Love.

I shake my head and skip through the book. I find the Chapter.

I'm betting you came from Chapter 4? I would be as curious as you right now. So Hermione went off with a Death Eater and for a while I approved. They were happy as can be. Then Hermione, Ginny, Ron, and me had a squabble about him changing and my eyes suddenly opened. My practical sister was with that ferret who tortured us for years. And now, I believe that she is rather sour with us. I forgive her and try to med this in time but after the outburst we all had, this is going to take time and effort. Which I believe won't happen for a while.

I shut the book with a sigh. Stupid arguments! Why couldn't they make up. But now I know that he didn't care for her as more than a friend. Maybe a sister but-

"Hey there brunette."

A strong hand puts their hand up the back of my shirt. I growl and whip around to see stupid eyes. "Hello Richard." I say in distaste.

"What're you reading?"

"A book." I spat back.

"What book?"

"It's about the Hogwart's war. Nothing you would concern yourself with learning."

"Too true, it's all about your past in their. How your Mother and Father met and fell for each other. Oh wait a minute, this is by Potter!" He snickers and pulls it out of my hand.

"Just trying to learn my enemy's weaknesses thank you very much." I say curtly, trying to grab the book.

"Ah you must mean Severus. He is quite the charmer ain't he?"

"Not in the least, now I suggest you give that back."

"And I suggest I shouldn't."

"Why ever not?" I growl.

"Because you can't grab it."

"Try me."


He holds it over his head, way out of my reach. Why's he so tall? "Accio Book!" I shout, and it comes back, hitting my hand with a thunk.

His mouth makes a shape like O, and his eyes go wide. "How'd you do that?"


"No one in my grade can perform that spell. How did you?"

"I have my secrets." I grin.

I turn no a heel and walk out of the library. Time for lunch. 
Avery's POV

I glance up at that idiots sneering face. Why'd he sit across from me at lunch? "So Avery, that is your name?"

"Yes it is." I grind my teeth.

"You're the combination of Draco Malfoy, backstabber extraordinaire, Prince of Slytherin and Hermione Granger, golden girl, Princess of Gryffindor? Richard sneers.

"Pretty much. Got a problem with that?" I glare at him.

He licks his lips, "Not really. Just was thinking that you are rather attractive."

"Excuse me?"

"I mean, you have those eyes that make me go crazy and that hair that makes my heart thump."

"Do you want me to slap you." I threaten.

"But your not a jewel. Paisley is so much more fun. At least she gives me what I want." He laughs.

"Maybe you shouldn't be taking advantage of a 14 year old girl, and a 13 year old and start worrying about your own devices. Such as, why associate yourself with us."

"Why not associated myself with you?"

"Oh wait I know why." I give him a cool stare.


"You want a piece of my fame. Do you want to know who I am?"

"Who?" He sneers.

"The Slytherin Princess."
Hey hope you enjoyed this chapter! Took long to write and I'm so happy I'm finished!

Thanks for reading!

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Stay beautiful<3

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