Chapter 3.6 Mother and Father

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He doesn't release my wrist but instead grips it tighter.

His hands are so weird! They are wrinkly and rough and just the thought of his hand on my wrist makes me want to vomit.

"You want to see your precious pappy and mammy again?"

"You sound like a two year old." I growl.

"I don't care. All I care about is that you can see the state your father and mother are in."

He puts his wand to my back and shows me to these strange stairs. The place he brought me is strange too.

It's black everywhere and I can't make out any really big things that are here. "Go down the stairs or else."

I take gulp of air and slowly make my way down the steps. It gets noticeably colder with each step. "OH THE MALFOY DAMILY CAN FINALLY GET BACK TOGETHER!" He screams with glee.

I finally reach the bottom step. I look up to see people. Many people. Behind bars and chained against the wall. Bloodied and quiet.

Then there are two people side by side that I recognize more than anyone. Blue eyes that match my own look at me from a paler than normal face, with bloodied blonde hair. Brown eyes and fluffy brown hair that matches my own is next to him. My dad and mom.

"What're you gonna do to her?" Dad gasps.

"Simply make her a Death Eater my dear Draco."

"NOOOO!" My Dad yells and looks into my eyes, "No matter what Avery, don't become like them."

"But Dad-"

"No buts. Your mom and me won't let you become like them. You'll suffer the rest of your life."

I run forward to the bars and reach through, barely touching my dad's hand. "I can't let him take you from me. I know it's selfish, but I can't let you die."

"Honey. My sweet, sweet Avery it's for the best." My mother hiccups out.

"And your mother and I have seen enough hardship to know that we can't let you become one. Please, just don't. Voldemort, just kill us." My father speaks sternly but softly.

"Ah my dear Draco. Such a shame. Such pure blood, wasted! But death is up to your daughter."

My Dad looks tome again and tears leak from my eyes. "Please, just let us die. He's tortured us so much that we cannot revive from this. We'd rather die with you as a good person than as a Death Eater. Please Avery trust in us."

"Yes. Your father and I want this. We want you good. We've had enough of this life and we want to move to the next. You'll see us again. Eventually baby. Don't cry. Don't cry Avery. We are ready."

"Your choice Avery." He sneers, "Life or death for your parents."

"I can't just. But.....I can't.......Mom....Dad......"


I fall backwards as there is a blast of light. The last thing I see is a flash of brown hair.
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