Chapter #18

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When I was younger I used to fantasise how I would be proposed to. I thought it would be at Disneyland, the boy and I wearing the Mikey Mouse ears and we had been happily in love. He looked like a prince in one of those typical ‘Ever After’ movies – shaggy brown hair, tall, brown eyes and a smile constantly on his face.

The boy would tell me how amazing I was and how he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. Then when I said yes we ran away together, facing the world hand in hand.

Instead, here I was being proposed to in front of a water fountain with a boy begging for my love once again. It didn’t feel right. My stomach seemed to be twisting inside me and my mind was blank. I couldn’t think. Is this how all girls felt when they had a man asking for them to marry them?

“Will you marry me Rosalie?” Beau asked, him beginning to get down on one knee, one hand holding mine and the ring in the other.

Say no! My mind was screaming at me. Say no! But I went with my heart. Like they say, heart over matter.

“Yes” I said. “Yes, yes yes! I will marry you” I squealed and he slid the ring on.

He stood up and brought me into a tight hug. “Thank God. I thought you were gonna say no”


I nearly was going to.

“I can’t wait to tell the boys” He gushed. “They’ll be so happy”

More like shocked.

“You’re mums going to be proud to see her little boys grown up” I ruffled his brown hair.

“I don’t care what the weddings like, you decide. As long as I get to marry you I’ll be the happiest man alive” He already looked like the happiest man alive.

But will I be happy?

“We should go and announce it to them” I tried to pick up a bubbly mood I mean, I just got engaged! I should be screaming it from the rooftops.

“The fans will be annoyed but who cares? We’re getting married” He picked me up and swung me around.

Along comes more hate for me and more publicity for the Janoskians.


“I love you Rose” He said as he pulled a cab over to pick us up. “I love you a lot and I don’t ever want to lose you ever again”

Beau, I hope you realize you sound extremely desperate.

What was up with me today? I wondered to myself. I didn’t feel excited. In fact, I felt bored. Bored with the relationship and romance life. Sure, Beau and I had sex now and then, and he was quite experienced, but we didn’t do anything spontaneous like shower sex or sex in the kitchen while I cooked tea, or even the public bathrooms. I felt the need to do something  like that, not the typical ‘vanilla’ we always had.

“Are you okay?” Beau asked, his hand playing with my hair as we sat down in the backseat of the cab. “You look deep in thought”

Maybe because I am?


“It’s nothing” I assured him and pecked his lips that looked delicious right then and there I decided. If only we weren’t in a car with a stranger…

He raised an eyebrow. “Sure?”

“Sure” I nodded.

To say the boys were shocked was an understatement. A better word to describe it was stunned.

“You’re what?” James asked loudly, eyes wide.

“Tying the knot” Beau looked proud of himself.

“Are you sure you want to?” Jai said slowly. “Like with everything going on”

“She said yes, that’s all that matters”

Jai shot me a you’re joking right?  Look and I shook my head sideways. I could hardly believe I agreed myself.

“I want to plan your stag night” Daniel was the only one excited. “Heaps of booze and strippers”

That sounded about right coming from him.

“Uh…congrats” Luke looked awkward. Couldn’t blame the poor bloke. His heart got broken from the girl who is now marrying his brother. A bit embarrassing too.

“Thank you” I mouthed and gave him a lopsided smile which he returned. Good to know he was getting over me.

As Beau told the boys about how thrilled he was for the wedding my head wandered off to before when I was thinking about our sex life. It came to mind that I could ask him about spicing it up a bit but I quickly turned it down. He was a slight romantic when it came to bed and would probably think I’m crazy. Then there was the pros. He always was up for a challenge and trying something new, so it should transfer over to his sex life…right?

“Beau” I whispered in his ear softly. “I want to talk to you”

“Sure, love” He responded and I was a little taken back. He always referred to me as babe, not love.

He followed me into our bedroom and I sat down on the bed, patting the spot beside me as he shut the door. “What’s up?”

“I want to ruffle the sheets up more” I admitted.

“More love? We can do that” He smiled like an excited puppy.

“No” I shook my head, trying to think of a better way to explain it. “I want it rough and in situations where we could get caught”

There was a twinkle in his eyes and I knew he would be up for it. “Who convinced you to do this?”

“I thought of it myself” I frowned. Did he really think I was that innocent?

“I’ve done it before” He said slowly.

Of course you have.


“I want to make things more exciting for you” I sighed. “And for me as well. I feel that we’re too vanilla”

“really?” He asked.

“I want to go absolutely banana’s with you” I moved myself so I was sitting on his lap and connected his lips with mine, letting the rockets fly.

This story is no where near finished, just putting that out there (: I have a really cool ending but I can't say anything else or it will ruin what happens hahahahaha

All I Ever Wanted (Sequel to On My Mind Beau Brooks fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now