Chapter #9

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Luke’s POV

“Wake up boys!” Ronnie, our tour manager yelled and a door slammed loudly, the sound echoing around the hotel room. “And girl”

A quick glance at the sun kissed girl with her hands cuddled under her chin and on the edge of the large bed told me she was still asleep.

“Rose” I shook her shoulder gently and her eyes began to flutter. “Wake up, we have to go”

“What time is it?” She groaned and sat up slowly.

“Three in the morning” I told her and she looked more alert.

“Our plane leave in just over an hour” She climbed out of bed and threw on a thin red jersey over one of our merchandise tops then pulled on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans.

How can someone be so flawless without even trying? I thought to myself from my seat in bed while I watched her run a brush through her long blonde hair.

“Take a picture, it’ll last longer” She had stopped what she was doing and turned to look at me.

“Right back at you” I grinned and dressed into my black jeans and blue jersey that I had set out the night before.

“Have you packed everything?” Rose changed the subject as she zipped her black travel bag up.

“Duh” I put on my white sneakers and looked back at her. “What about you?”

“I’m a girl” She stated. “Of course I have”

I nodded and walked into the lounge where the boys were sipping on cups of what smelled like black coffee. A short, dark skinned man appeared in front of me with a cup identical to the other boys. “Drink up, you have a long flight”

“You could’ve got food” I pointed out.

“I don’t trust you in the car with food. Now where’s Rosie?”

“I’m coming!” She burst out of our bedroom with our bags trailing behind her.

“That’s the first time someone’s called you Rosie in months” James looked surprised. “Everyone just calls you Rose”

She shrugged. “I’m not concerned”

“Less chat, more moving” Ronnie clapped his hands. “I want to be checked out and on our way in five minutes”

Rose and Ronnie made sure that us boys had gotten everything out of the hotel room and that we went to the van. Thankfully, there were no fans out waiting for us – it would’ve been a nightmare to leave otherwise. The advantages of leaving in early hours of the morning.

“So boys” Ronnie began his talk on what was going to happen while we were at the airport and after. “If there’s fans, ignore them. Head straight for checking in - ”

“No one cares” Beau interrupted.

“Beau” Rose growled him.

“Rose” He mimicked. “We know the drill”

Having knowing us for such a long time Rose didn’t care if he or any of the other boys teased us. She just rolled her eyes each time and continued talking.

“It doesn’t hurt to hear it again”

“And again and again” Beau finished for her.

“Exactly!” She said brightly and looked down at her lap where her white iphone was sitting. Her fingers brushed against the home button and the time came up as well as her background picture of a beach at sunset, the shot taken from a cliff with a couple kissing. It looked like a tumblr picture.

All I Ever Wanted (Sequel to On My Mind Beau Brooks fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now