•Day 2: Chariot Challenge•

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"Welcome everyone who stuck 'round to the second day of the GMG, today's challenge? Chariot! Where participants are made the tops of interconnected chariots, which start at one end of Crocus and at the end at the Grand Magic Games arena." Kabo starts.

"Here are the rules; Magic can be used at anytime to help competitors the goal faster or hinder others, falling of chariots will count in disqualification and the winner mage is the one who reaches the arena first!"

"Last but not least competitors are; Bacchus, Kurohebi, Risley, Yuka, Ichiya, Gajeel, Sting and Natsu!" Kabo finishes leaving us to watch.

Right then all are teleported and the screen lacrimas show up just like in Hidden.

At first while everyone beats each other to the finish line Natsu,Gajeel and Sting are lagging behind due to their motion sickness! So the people in the lead instead are Yuki using his wave boost attacking people behind him and giving him a speed advantage, Risley dodges the attack using Gravity Change, Ichiya uses Fleet-Foot perfume which sounds gross to over take the Lamia Scale mage.

Bacchus the drunk realizes he can play dirty and stomps on chariots making others go flying.

Everyone else trying to regain balance, Bacchus takes first place earning ten points for Quarto Cerberus.

Then it's Kurohebi followed by Risley then Yuka and Ichiya who earned eight six, four and three points respectively.

Not to mention the idiotic dragon slayers are still racing while having motion sickness, of course I would do better.

Audience laughing at the three, Sting completely gives up. But Sting questions Natsu and Gajeel for not giving up.

"Why did you decide to join the tournament?" Sting asks.

"I'm doing it for my comrades who have waited for us for the past 7 years, enduring all the pain and selflessly defending the Guild." Natsu answers thoughtfully making some of us tear up.

After the event people are brought to their teams and Lucy brought Natsu to Porlyusica.

I stretch my arms and yawn in annoyance, at least the first little parts over.

"Next up; Toby Horhorta vs Kurohebi!" Kabo announces one last time before break.

Good time to talk things out with Gay--whoops I mean Gray

"Gray get your butt over here!"

"What is it traitor?" He spits at me.

"Explain to me, why think I'm a traitor." I snap trying not to catch the attention of others.

"I saw you with that emo Saber yesterday!" Gray warns stepping closer.

"Gray promise not to tell anyone?" I plead giving him puppy eyes.

"Depends" he rolls his eyes.

"Rogue and I are actually dating before he was a Saber and before the 7 year thing...don't tell a soul!" I nervously rush out, whispering so nobody but him can hear.

At this his expression softens. "I promise Y/N and I'm sorry but this is going to be hard to explain to Minerva.."

"Then don't tell her Baka!" I snap walking off, not mad of course.

"Break's over folks! Now the battle between Toby and Kurohebi officially begins!" Yajima announces in the loud speaker.

I rest my head on my open palm resting my elbow on top a railing.

Toby immediately grows his nails and starts scratching Kurohebi with nails covered with Paralysis Claw: Mega Jellyfish. Kurohebi dodges all of Toby's attacks effortlessly and then throws himself backwards and disappears from sight.

Toby is shocked and sees sand moving, only to be attacked by Sand Rebellion.

"Rare to posses mimic.." I murmur.

"Your strong!" Toby states.

"I could say the same." Kurohebi replies.

Toby also states Kurohebi is a cool name.

"That's not my real name." Kurohebi smirks.

For some reason Toby gets mad at this and starts attacking him again with his nails.


As Kurohebi dodges he asks Toby a smart question. "And if I were to win this bet?"

"I'll tell you a super secret!" Toby huffs.

"Interesting proposal.." Kurohebi whispers but enough for a dragon slayers to hear.

Right then Kurohebi attacks Toby defeating him one shot.

"Now what's your secret?" Kurohebi steps forward.

Toby's eyes tear up. "I've been looking for a sock for three months and I can't find it!" Toby then starts crying.

Is he for real? He's joking right?

Kurohebi then points at his chest, Toby then notices his sock hanging there like a necklace.

"Your such a good guy!" Toby cries tears of joy now basically bowing down to him.

Kurohebi then stretches his hand towards Toby, only to take his sock from him and ripping it apart. Toby cries in despair and Kurohebi says that the more precious something is, the more he wants to destroy it.

And with that, the second match of the second day commences.

(In the next chapter 😜)

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