Chapter 11 Forgiveness

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The things two people do to each other they remember. If they stay together, it's not because they forget; it's because they forgive.
- Demi Moore

It takes a strong person to say sorry, and an ever stronger person to forgive.
- Unknown


She nodded her head and replied, "Congrats, you know what your sister looks like." There was a long awkward silence after that. I didn't know what I should say to her or even feel right now. I knew felt anger, confusion, emotions I couldn't place, and I knew for a fact that I missed my sister from before my parents died. The one who would fix my hair in the mornings, play Barbies with me, the one who would tuck me in at night, the sister who would hold me after I had a nightmare, the sister who I loved.

Not the one who laughed when I fell, not the sister who would insult me, not the one who would laugh as her friends made fun of me, and definitely not the sister who had abandoned me. My legs hesitantly shifted to move forward as she held her hands out for a hug.

But then I realized what I was doing. I colliding forgive her and believe everything she says. This could just be a prank. There was probably hidden cameras somewhere. They would show it to the their pack, so they could all see how naive I am. I wasn't going to fall for it, I thought as I took a step backwards to make some distance between us. My eyes narrowed in disgust and distrust.

Her hand fell down to her sides as a sigh fell through her body. "I was an idiot to think that you would forgive me that easy. I haven't even said sorry." I continued my way to the other side of the treehouse. Tears glistened down her cheeks as sobs racked through her body.

"I'm sorry, for never being there for you. Mom and dad must me so mad and disappointed in me. When I see them again, they'll probably disown me and I would not blame them. I have been such a terrible sister ever since they died. I disowned you without even hearing what you had to say. I-" she broke into tears as I wondered if I could trust her.

"I was never there for you after they died," she sobbed, her voice cracking and croaking. "I made such a big mistake."

My mind was slowly starting to believe her as my feet shuffled forward a couple of steps.

"Can I believe that you have changed? Can I believe that you're my sister again," I asked her knowing that even if she was tricking me that she would say yes.

Her head nodded up and down as she tried to take control of her tears. My mind quickly decided to forgive her, but to keep a watch on her. My feet walked the remaining distance between us and I hugged her.

"Alex is outside. He always wanted to go and make up with you, but I held him back. It was all my fault that you had no family or friends."

I shook my head telling her no. "All this happened for a reason. What you did made me a stronger person and who I am today. I wouldn't have left if y'all hadn't done what y'all did. And if I hadn't left I wouldn't have been able to come back and save you and the pack."

She stared into my eyes and took deep shaky breaths as I smiled softly at her. I tugged her towards the opening of the door, but she held me back.

"What are you going to do with Ryan? Are you going to forgive him," she asked me, staring straight into my eyes.

My eyes darted away from hers unsure, "Has he really changed or is he the same way as he was back then?"

She tugged my face back, "He changed the moment you arrived, I know that day what you thought, but nothing actually happened. A couple walked by making out with each other while he started tickling me." A look of disbelief  crossed my face as we stared at each other.

"I promise, Dylan, that's all that happened. Please give Ryan a chance to make it up to you. Sure he doesn't deserve you, but he really wants to make it up to you." I glance away from her, at the the picture of me and Ryan.

My eyes softened looking at the two of us playing around. I moved my stare back to Macy as I replied, "I'll think it over, but I'm not promising anything." Macy nodded her head and I led the way out of the old treehouse, climbing out of the doorway.

"Dylan," my brother said staring at me with sadness in his eyes. His arms hesitantly opened as I rushed down the ladder and ran towards him. I slowed down into a walk as I stepped into his arms. They closed around me quickly and held me tight as is head rested on mine.

"I've missed you so much. Words cannot explain my regret and how sorry I am. I should have been there for you, no matter what other people told me."

"It was the peer pressure," I told him, trying to lessen his guilt although my heart still felt like it had been crushed by a bulldozer.

"That's no excuse, to abandon my sister the way I did, what type of brother am I?" I hugged him tighter as I realized words were not what he needed, he needed my affection.

"Let's go home, guys. We can watch a movie like the old times."

We walked next to each other towards the guest house, Macy on my right and Alex on my left. How long this would last, I don't know but I know that we would fight for each other to make up for the past. We would be a real family, just the three of us until we got married and had made our family larger. But it will all start here right now.

We walked into the doorway and into the living room. Macy argued that we should watch Bridesmaids whole Alex argued that we should watch Die Hard.

"Guys just choose one already," I groaned at the two were literally butting heads with each other.

"Why don't you choose one then," Macy said, guessing that I would at least choose a chick flick. Alex nodded his head obviously thinking that I was on his side. Idiots. I'm on my own side.

"Okay, I will," I told them getting up off the couch and walking towards the DVD rack. "I choose," I drawled out scanning the movies quickly. Perfect! "I choose Spirit," I finished while grabbing the case and opening it. The two groaned and fell back on the floor as I slipped the movie into the player and skipped the previews.  I sat down with wide eyes and pressed play hugging a pillow.

"What's going on here," Nathan asked standing in the doorway. Throwing my pillow at him I replied, "Shut up! Can't you see we are watching a movie, now come sit down and bring the pillow back." Chuckling he walked over and sat down handing the pillow back to me.  I gave my attention back to the movie as Spirit learned how to stand. Alex and Macy stared at us for a while until I raised the pillow in warning. Their eyes skirted to the TV quickly and I rested the pillow back in my lap.

"Hey guys! What are y'all doing," Ryan asked, giving me a deja vu moment.

I threw the pillow at him glaring, "Why does no one understand that we are watching a movie, now come sit down and bring the pillow in case I have to throw it at another person."

He did as I demanded obedient and quiet. He sat down next to me and wrapped an arm around the couch settling in to watch the movie with us. I tried to divert my attention back to the movie but couldn't, catching myself staring at him several times.

What am I going to do, I asked myself. A hand touched my knee and rubbed it as if sensing my frustration. Glancing at it I realized it was Ryan's and glanced at him. His attention appeared to be set on the movie as he comforted me. Sighing, I leaned back into the couch and decided to worry about it later. There would be a lot of time to do that later tonight anyways.


Sorry for the short chapter! And sorry for the long wait for the rewrite, I lost my internet connection when it snowed, but now I thankfully have it back! Thank you for reading my story!





<3 CentralBay

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