Chapter 20 After Battles, There is Always the Injured

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The area was full of growls and wasn't like in the books where it becomes hush and everyone watches the fight. No, the chaos continued as everyone fought, growls and whimpers of pain filling the air. Ryan and Rusty, the rouge leader's new nickname, circled each other barking and snapping.

Rusty inched a little closer to the inside of the circle, a sign that he was about to lunge at Ryan. Seconds later, Rusty did as I had predicted and Ryan faced him with teeth bared. Ryan rushed forward at the last second and everything became a blur of fur.

I hesitated to walk away from the two and find someone to help, unsure if I should stay and help Ryan. He is fighting the leader, but then again he was an Alpha himself. And Alphas did not like help in a physical fight, especially from their mate except in certain situations.

Those situations being: the Alpha was severely injured and even then this one could still be iffy, they had a large amount of opponents (but even then the mate was only supposed  to fight the easiest ones), or they were in an unusual situation. Sexist, if you ask me, but this was definitely not one of those times.

The adrenaline that I had at the beginning of the fight was slowly draining from me, leaving me to use my own energy. My paws shuffled away from the blurry mass and I gave one more glance before going to help someone.

Running towards the a large glob of wolves I pounced on one of the rouges from behind. He became unconscious as I bit into his neck, holding it tightly. The body shifted back to it's human form slowly and I saw a young boy who looked like he was 10.

His brown curly hair fell against his face as I sat him down gently on the dirt. He was young and must have been forced to fight, I thought and my wolf nodded in agreement. I moved on to the next wolf and kept doing the same thing, pouncing on wolves until they died or became unconscious.

Suddenly the rouges slowly formed a line, retreating back into the forest. A grey wolf ran behind them with a limp rusty wolf on its back, stopping to let out a loud howl before running out of sight. The rouges quickly followed suit as we chased them out of the territory. Ryan must've beaten Rusty pretty bad, but how bad did he get hurt?

Once we concluded that they were all out of the territory, we made arrangements to count our numbers and what to do with the unconscious rouges. Ryan counted his numbers and was missing no one, which seemed to good to be true. Kyle counted us and recounted several times, one of was missing. 

I glanced around at all the wolves and saw everyone, but Jake. Letting out a whine, Christy searched with wide worried eyes, taking small steps. A tiny whine was heard in the distance and her tail wagged to one side as she bolted towards the sound. I followed her and was joyed to see Christy snuggling into her brother's wolf's neck, in human form. Jake's wolf laid on the floor, only lifting his head to rub against her shoulder.

Cole rushed over and gently pushed Christy to the side so he could look at Jake's wounds. There was a large teeth wound on his stomach and claws running down his back. Jake cringed and snapped his snout towards Cole in warning when Cole almost touched the claw marks. 

"He'll be fine, just needs to rest for awhile. Nathan come over here and help me pick him up," Cole ordered. Nathan ran over, shifting into his human form as he did so and picked up Jake's wolf, with Cole, on the count of three. Christy shuffled next to them with a tears streaming down her face as she looked at her brother while we walked to the pack's medic room.

While we walked a movement caught my eyes and a small whimper followed it. The brown curly hair swept across his face as he sat up, worriedly looking at his surroundings. A  guttural growl filled the air as the young boy's eyes frightened with fear at his situation.

One of Ryan's enforcers, crept toward us baring his teeth at the little boy and was clearly not going to take mercy on him. Hesitating I threw my body in front of the boy, and snarled at the enforcer.

Taken aback, the enforcer was clearly unsure of what he was suppose to do. A small hand gripped my tail and pulled lightly on it. I shifted my sight to see the little boy pleading me with his eyes to take mercy on him. To let him live. Tears fell down the little boy's face while Kyle talked to the enforcer.

"We can take him back with us, but you're going to have to watch him, Dylan. You will be responsible if he does anything. Are you sure you want to take him," Kyle tasked me, knowing my decision when I had jumped in front of the boy. I gave one glance to the boy who looked between me and Kyle before nodding my head.

'Why do you always find them,' my wolf asked me and my luck. I shook my head, not knowing either, as we headed back to the pack house. The little boy sat on my back, gripping my fur tightly as he looked at the surroundings. Who knows, this brown curly head boy might grown on me. I think I'll take him in as my assistant if he doesn't proves trustworthy.

"Thanks," a tiny voice told me from above. I nodded my snout, letting the boy know that I heard him.

When we finally arrived, the little boy slipped off my back and waited while I shifted and changed into clothes. Checking the puncture wound on his neck that I gave him, I saw that it had already started to heal and new skin was forming. I checked the rest of his body and came up with nothing, the boy had quick regeneration. Kyle Nathan, Cole and Christy headed to the pack medic with Jake. Instead of following them into the room which would be very crowded, I took the little boy up to my room.

Opening the door, I took a step forward when a loud crunch filled my ears. Letting go of the boy's hand, I slipped down and grabbed a piece of paper that held scribble of handwriting on it. The boy wondered around the room and picked up a bag of skittles. He looked at me with puppy dog eyes, longing to have some of my Skittles. I nodded my head smiling and laid down on the bed opening up the crumpled note.

  Dear Dylan,

I know that you are probably furious with me which I completely deserve. I'm sorry. I also understand, now, that a sorry does not fix everything. I put my number down below when and if you are ever ready to talk call me, text me or you know where I am. We could go out for dinner and talk it over, whatever you want.


I threw the note away from me and onto the floor immediately. A small frown on my face as I looked out the window. He should've known from the beginning that a sorry wouldn't have fixed our situation. That it wouldn't make me forgive him.

Just because a person says sorry,  you don't have to forgive them. And even if you do forgive them, everything isn't going to be fixed just like that. A simple word with five letters, doesn't have that much power. Irritation filled my body at the thought. Sighing I glanced out the window again, trying to find a way to relieve my irritation.

The sun was setting, so I waved little boy over and opened the cover so he could climb in.  We laid there in the bed face to face. He strongly smelt of Skittles and candy as he breathed slow deep breaths. His bright blue eyes that looked very observant and mischievous. Like Cole had been teaching him how to do that.

"My name's Dylan," I told him as we continued our stare down.

"Jonathan," he replied giving me a large grin. I smiled back at him as he turned his back and cuddled up next to me. This little guy was definitely gonna grow on me, I thought as all the irritation that I had slipped away. My eyes closed slowly, sending me into a deep peaceful slumber.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter! The fight with the rouges is not over yet. After all most battles last a couple of days. What do we think about Jonathan? And poor Jake? Please vote and comment. Fanning also wouldn't hurt, you'll get a lot of updates about the upcoming chapter if you do so! I love you my lovelies! I hope y'all had a wonderful day!

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