Chapter 12 Running in the Forest

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That night I slept peacefully in my bed with Christy, who wasn't all pleased with me. She was mad that I let my sister and brother off so easily.


"What do you mean you forgave them? Do you even remember what they did to you? Well let me remind you! Your brother disowned you at your sister's demand. Macy, your sister took your mate away from you," Christy reprimanded me. "They did all of this just because your parents died saving you! They were not there when we, your pack now, raised your self esteem and trained you. We were! Your new family! And now you are just-"

"Now, I am being the bigger person and forgiving them! Now, I am trying to get back the family I love and save my old pack! The pack where my parents lived and had happy life! It's the last thing I have let of them." By then I had a tear rolling down my cheek and Christy turned her head. She let it go after that and didn't mention it again last night, taking a bag of skittles out.


I'm thankful that Nathan didn't tell anyone about the moment with Ryan or Christy would be at my neck. I would have had no sleep and Christy would never talk to me again. Slipping on some jean shorts on as well as a black tank top, I exited the room silently. Closing the door with a twist of the knob, I turned and skipped down the hallway and floated down the staircase quickly. A pink iPod on the entry table next to the front door caught my attention.

"So that's where you have been," I told my iPod as I grabbed it and the white headphones next to it. Popping in the buds, I put my playlist on shuffle. Continuing my way to the kitchen, I squealed in delight when 'Wild Ones' came on. Listening to my son, I danced and sang my way to the pantry. "I want to shut down the club with you," I sang while I grabbed Honey Bunches of Oats with Strawberries cereal.

Walking out, I dropped my cereal as I stared at a very amused looking Ryan eating eggs. Eggs. That meant he had to be here when I walked in to be eating them now. Which meant he just saw me dance and sing. Kill me now, my wolf said. Take me with you, I thought.

Ryan stared at me with an expectant smile as I continued to stare dumbstruck at him. He gesture to seat next to him with a chuckle and then continued eating with a large grin on his face.

Gulping I grabbed my cereal from the floor and grabbed a bowl before grabbing the milk from the fridge.

"Why are you even here," I asked. "You have your own very capable kitchen in the main house.

His eyes continued watching me as he replied.

"But you're here and I was hoping that I could take you out for a run or go somewhere like the mall." Surprised I didn't respond immediately and walked over to the seat next to him and sat down with my bowl of cereal. Taking a huge bite, I thought over my choices.

One completely flat out reject him, two go running in wolf form with him or three go out to the mall with him. Number 3 was immediately eliminated from the choices, I hate shopping and the last time I had gone was with Darlyn when I first joined the pack. I had avoided malls ever since.

So choice one or choice two. I glanced up at him and noticed how sad he looked as he stared at his empty plate probably thinking that my silence was a no.

"I'll go running," I told him before I stuffed another bite into my mouth. From my peripheral vision I saw his head whip up and his head turn towards me with a wide smile.

"Really," he asked me and I could practically see his wolf wagging his tail. He looked like a two year old who just heard that they were going to the candy store.

Nodding my head, I stood up and grabbed my bowl and his plate to put them in a sink. He stared at me with excited eyes as I rinsed off the dishes and placed them in the dishwasher.

Stretching my arms, I opened my mouth and said, "I'm ready when you are." Jumping up he grabbed my arm which made me flinch from reflex. Reflex of being hit in this pack for so many years. His eyes saddened as he guessed correctly as why I had flinched.

"Sorry, sore muscle there," I lied before I could even stop myself from making him feel better. He looked unsure and doubtful of what I said.

"You promise?" His eyes stared into mine looking for any signs of lying.

"Pinky promise. Although I have no idea of why I would flinch otherwise."

Grabbing his wrist this time, I led him out the door. "Okay I'm gonna shift over there behind that tree, you shift behind that one," I told him pointing out two trees that were several trees apart from each other. He nodded and walked towards his as I walked to mine. Taking off my clothes, I quickly shifted and walked towards where Ryan was. Letting out a bark, I let him know I was on my way over.

A large black wolf jumped out over a pair of bushes and shook out his fur. I recognized it immediately from memories when I was young and we played together. Ryan cocked his head and let out a whine. Letting out a bark, I took off. The sound of his paws and his hot breath on my tail made me shiver. He ran beside me and glanced over at me. Suddenly I was on the ground tumbling with black fur all in my face.

Ryan had pounced me. Pounced! Pushing off him I crouched low and let out a playful bark, telling him I was in and ready to take him down. He got up off his belly and mimicked my position, wagging his tail high and proud.

He's such an Alpha, my wolf told me. I nodded my head, agreeing with her as I focused on Ryan. Jumping towards him I let out a short bark as he flinched.

Letting out a playful growl, he let me know that he did not appreciate my test. Crouching low again I was ready to pounce him when a bunny hopped out and scared everything out of me. A loud whine came out of me and my feet toppled forward right into Ryan. We went rolling down the hill behind him.

Once we stopped Ryan's wolf was on top of me and suffocating me. Ryan got up quickly and I followed suit. Ryan stared at me with amused eyes telling me that he thought it was cute and quite funny that I was scared of that bunny.  Letting out a huff, I looked around at our surroundings.

A lake laid next to us and I walked over to it and took several laps of it. And I would have continued if something had not pushed me in. I tumbled into the lake and took a deep breath when I resurfaced. Ryan stood watching me look tall and full of pride at lake's edge. I had definitely found the culprit. He was going to die when I got out of this lake. Running out of the lake, I pounced Ryan and bared my teeth at him. His paw pushed my snout softly, not taking my serious at all.

Huffing again, I stared down at my filthy white coat that now looked beige. Ryan stood up and panted while watching me for my next move. Now that I was filthy and tired, I was definitely going to go take a shower and lay down and watch TV.  Nodding my  head towards home and then my coat I let him lead the way to the house. When we had shifted and changed back into our clothes, we walked towards the guest house.

"So that bunny," he mentioned.

"Don't mention that thing."

"Just because it scared you doesn't make you any less scarier," he told me and then muttered, "Because you never were to begin with."

"What was that," I asked him and rounded my whole body to face him.

"I was kidding," he told me with his hands up.

"That's what I thought."

"But that bunny-"



Sorry for the shortness, but I hope you enjoyed it! Who are we going for to be with Dylan?

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