Meeting Niall

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Kelley tapped her foot to the beat of the music, humming softly. She was getting annoyed; her food was taking way too long! All she had ordered was a chicken quesadilla, rice, beans, cheese dip, and a small order of chicken nachos.

The bell above the door rang signaling that someone entered the restaurant. The host led the new person to a table in front of her. Kelley appreciated the man from behind. He seemed to be attractive from what she could see. He had dyed blond hair and looked fit. She looked away before he could catch her ogling him.

Her food finally arrived which caused her stomach to give a loud call. She blushed slightly, seeing the male chuckle. He looked familiar to her but she couldn't place him; maybe she could if she had gotten more than four hours of sleep last night. He locked eyes with her and smiled, showing off his near perfect teeth.

She took a bite of her food, the nagging feeling that she knew him didn't leave. She had had enough of the mental block and stood, her chair scratching against the floor. She made her way to him and stopped at his table. He looked up, his blue eyes meeting her green ones.

"Um, excuse me, I'm sorry. I just feel like I've met you before or at least seen you. It's been bothering me since you got here so I was just wondering if we had met before," Kelley smiled adjusted her button up, flowery shirt.

He chuckled softly, "I don't think we have met before. I'm Niall." He held his hand out for her to shake.

It hit her like a ton of bricks. Niall Horan! Her cheeks turned red as she shook his hand. "I'm sorry. I can't believe I couldn't tell it was you! Its not like my sister doesn't have posters of you! Or that she dragged me to one of your concerts! Or that I even sang one of your songs for a performance of mine!" She noticed that she had rambled on a little too late.

"It's fine. Don't be nervous," he smiled his lady killer smile, "you can take a seat if you want."

Kelley shook her head, "No, I don't want to mess with your eating. I'm Kelley by the way. Nice to meet you."

She turned to go back to her seat, heart hammering in her chest. She had just met Niall Horan from One Direction and she had made a fool of herself! How embarrassing!!

She quickly started to eat her food before it got cold. She was completely engrossed in her food and didn't hear the other chair at her table screech.

"So, Kelley, you said you sang one of our songs. What did you happen to sing?" Niall sat in front of her, his food and drink now sitting at her table. She was shocked she hadn't scared him away!

She smiled slightly, "I sang Story of my Life. It was for an end of the year performance at the place I took lessons."

"Sing a little," his eyes encouraged her to as he ate.

"Here!?" She was shocked," in front of you!? You actually sang it. It would be super embarrassing..."

Niall chuckled, "you'll be fine, love. Just try; thats all I ask of you."

Kelley bobbed her head and finished the bit of food in her mouth before taking a sip of her sprite. She sung it softly. She didn't want to be heard by the employees of the restaurant and if she messed up she didn't want it to be out there. She stopped after a few seconds and stuffed her mouth with food.

"Don't be embarrassed, Kelley. It was good," he smiled, "didn't mess up at all. You should be more confident. You sound lovely."

Kelley looked up and returned the smile, "Thanks, Niall. It means a lot to me. How about you sing a little?"

Niall nodded and sang just loud enough for her to hear. Kelley knew the song as soon as the first note and word came out of his mouth. She smiled and softly added a harmony to the song Madness by Muse.

Niall could tell she was already getting more confident around him and that made his heart swell and butterflies form in his stomach. He just wanted to hug her tightly and compliment her. "Do you mind if I try some of your nachos?"

Kelley shook her head, "Niall, it was nice to meet you. Thanks for being so nice."

Niall shrugged, "just because I'm 'famous' doesn't mean I cant talk to others and make friends." He sent her a wink.

"It was nice to sing with you. But we probably wont see each other again." Kelley tried to hold back a sigh before it escaped from her mouth. She coughed to try and cover it up.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that. I had fun with you today. We've known each other for two hours and it feels like I could be good friends with you. I would miss talking to you and singing with you," he smiled wide, his eyes crinkling. He pulled out his phone and handed it to her. "Put your number in Kelley and I'll do the same. Only if you want though."

She couldn't deny his smile or accent and accepted the phone, trading it with hers. She entered the number and passed it back to him.

A quick light blinded her, "what was that?"

Niall showed her the picture he took, "Twitter. I have to show the fans how much fun I had today. Do you have a twitter?"

Kelley nodded, "yeah, its CakeAndCandySurvival..." She jumped as her phone buzzed against the table. She picked it up as she saw a notification from twitter saying that Niall was following her and that she was tagged in a picture. A big smile burst onto her face.

Niall sighed and payed for his meal, "I wish I could stay and talk longer but I hafta get back to the boys. I'll make sure to text you tonight, love."

She payed for her meal and stood also. "You really don't gotta text me, Niall." She wasn't going to lie; it felt great though.

"So I'll text you tonight," he stated before hugging her bye.

Kelley watched him leave, her heart fluttering. She met Niall Horan! They traded numbers! He called her a friend! He even hugged her!

"Can't wait to rub it in my sisters face," she smiled and left the restaurant, that was now know as her favorite place to eat.

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