Meeting Harry

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Linda pushed the other potential shoppers back. She wasn't going to let them get ahead of her. She hadn't waited out in the blistering cold for four hours to be pushed to the back of the line! Her hands pulled her scarf tighter and her pea coat closer. She sniffled and pulled down her purple beanie.

A worker approached the front doors apprehensively. It wasn't his first mega sale and he knew how bad it got. He put his key in the lock and twisted it before ripping it out and rushing to the side. He pressed against the wall to avoid the crazy shoppers.

Linda rushed past him without a second glance, ginger hair whipping behind her. She skidded to make a turn; she was glad she had chosen her leathery brown, stylish combat boots. The boots made sure she didn't slip in the dangerous turn.

Linda barely avoid crashing into the other shoppers. She spun on her toe before making her way to the clothing section. She had been studying the layout of the store for the last month, just to make sure she was ready for this day. She had even made a list and went through scenarios to make sure it went perfect.

The black beanie she had wanted for weeks was sitting there. No one was around it and it didn't seem like anyone else was making there way to the article of clothing. She rushed forward before anyone could get there first. Her hand shot out to grab it and she cheered.

Something warm touched her hands and she looked to her right. Her eyes widened in shock at who she saw. Linda's grip loosed for a second before it got even tighter than before. The two locked eyes.

"Excuse me, love, I think this is mine," the beanie wearing, curly haired boy replied.

Linda shook her head, "No. I don't think so. I grabbed it first. I'm not going to give it up, even if you are my favorite one direction member." Her other hand covered her mouth at what slipped out.

Harry smirked at her comment and leaned against the display stand that once held the beanie. His fingers didn't loosen on the beanie. Harry pulled Linda slightly closer, "what did you say, love?"

Linda shook her head rapidly, a blush exploding on her cheeks, "I didn't say anything Harry."

Harry chuckled softly; his hand still held the beanie, "it's okay. I heard you anyways. So I'm your favorite member? Why is that?"

"Why should I tell you, Harry," Linda tugged lightly on the beanie.

Harry sighed and tugged the beanie back. "Just tell me why, love?"

Linda nervously tugged at the material of the beanie. "I...I think you are the most attractive one. I think you voice is very nice and well fitted for most of the music I enjoy: rock. I always thought that you seemed to be really nice."

Harry was about to reply before a loud squeal and a chorus of "Harry!" and "oh my god! It's Harry Styles!"

Harry's eyes widened before he grabbed Linda's hand, "damn it! Run!"

Harry speed off, dodging around corners and hiding in clothing racks. He pulled Linda into a dressing room, sliding down the purple velvet walls. He looked up to Linda and chuckled.

Linda held her chest as she was hunched over, sucking in oxygen. Her eyes lifted once she had gotten her breathing under control and took a seat on the plush velvet chair. "Harry? Whats so funny?"

"We didn't even run that much," he grinned at the glare she threw his way.

It was silent for a few minutes before Linda spoke up. "Linda."

Harry raised his eyes in her direction, "what was that?"

"My name. Its Linda. Linda Hearte." She smiled and played with the beanie in her lap.

"Well, Linda, do you know what dressing room we are in? I doubt we will get out soon because my fans are probably searching relentlessly for me right now," Harry sighed softly.

Linda nodded, "well, we are in the 'intimates' dressing room. You're probably right about the fans. What made you think you could go Black Friday shopping and not get seen?"

"I wanted to go out and do normal stuff, you know? It's been awhile," his lips turned upwards into a cheeky smirk, "'intimates', aye?"

He took steps to Linda and trapped her against the wall. His face was close to her own. Linda's arms reached out and lightly pushed him back. "Uh huh, Mr. Styles. We've only just met and you know nothing about you. Hell, all I know about you is from interviews."

"Why don't we change that, Ms. Hearte?" He smiled and sat on the chair, taking up half of it. He patted the other half and pulled Linda down. "Tell me about yourself, love."

Linda crossed her ankle and thought about what she should tell him. "Um, I'm nineteen. I was born on the twenty first of July in Birmingham. By Birmingham I mean Birmingham, Alabama, USA. I was born two weeks before my supposed due date. I breezed by in school but I wasn't in the top of my class. I had a pet donkey named Jack. My parents are still married and I have one older sister who is twenty-five. I have a blue merle Australian Shepard puppy named Dandy; she is only six and a half months old."

Harry smiled, "do you have a picture of her? What are you going to do as a career? Why are you not letting that beanie go?"

Linda nodded and pulled her out her iPhone. She scrolled through her pictures until she found one, handing it to Harry. "I'm studying to be an editor. I find it very enjoyable. I find beanies very stylish and I can pull them off unlike all other hats."

Harry chuckled at the picture of her puppy. Its blue eyes were staring and the camera and her lips were curled back into a smile. He went to her contacts and added his own number there. He handed it back, "How long have you lived in London or are you visiting?"

"I live in London right now. I have only lived here for about a year now, that why my southern accent is still so strong," Linda tapped around on her phone, "Harry, why'd you put your number in my phone?"

"Because I want to keep in contact with you. I like this conversation we are having and I want to have more with you," Harry poked the corner of Linda's mouth, "and because you said we have to know more about each other."

She blushed faintly and swatted away his prodding finger. Linda rolled her eyes, "I never said anything like that would happen. We would have to know each other for awhile first."

Harry grinned cheekily and gave a wink, "I know, that's why I'm starting now."

Linda rolled her eyes and sniggered. "I think I should go back home. Have fun being stuck in this dressing room until all your fan girls leave," she threw a wink back, "You are going to have to make this up to me since you made me miss this huge sale. I expect a call."

She waved goodbye with the beanie before walking away, boots making a rubbery thump against the tile. She looked back to find Harry smiling in her direction. It made her heart flutter before she shook off the feeling and continued on her way. She was shocked she was able to handle herself appropriately. She had always thought that if she had ever met Harry that she would have went full fan girl on him. Maybe it was because he had made her miss one of her favorite shopping sprees?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2013 ⏰

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