Line Between Us (END)

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His steps are slowly reaching to you and--

He finally hugs you. 

He pulls your petite body a little closer to him and gently smiling to you as whispering something to you.

"Sorry, for making you waiting. I missed you."

He says, as leaning his head on your shoulder lightly as you can feel his breathing on your nape and his manner hands that caress your back. you don't expect this thing happens to you right now in this kind of situation. in front of many people to be exact. but you just can't reject it, you particularly and surprisingly enjoy it. or in other words, you like it. you also wonder why but there's something about him that you can't resist. The more you think about him the more you feel your face is slowly become reddish and some good sensation that travels from your neck down to your spine like-- an electrical shock feeling? a feeling like you were zapped by electricity. well, you can't clearly explain with words what it is but you just like it.  it also makes you comfortable yet excited at the same time...

"Guys? hello? are you two filming a cf or something now, perhaps?"

Changsub's voice woke you up.

You then instantly push Jinyoung aside from you.

"Ahahaha, sorry guys. I just missed her since we haven't met for a while, right?"

He winks at you sending you a sign to act along with him. fortunately, your brain is on good condition today to be able to catch that sign. 

"A--hahaha! yeah, we haven't met for a while already-- that's why..."

"Heol, you two are weird. I can sense something happened here."

Says Solar as scanning her laser eyes to you both. 

"Nah, let's just move on guys. the movie is waiting for us."

Hoya says. He saves you both.

Thanks Hoya. you're indeed my dependable friend, you thought in mind.


"Changsubie, can you change your seat to mine please? it's too bright here."

Jinyoung says, that surprised you a little. surprisingly Changsub nods and agreed to it, he stands up then changes his seat to Jinyoung. your eyes got bigger as seeing Jinyoung is slowly moving to his new seat which is right next to you. you can feel he's looking at you for a second but you don't dare to look at him back you just remain to stay calm at your seat as trying to focus to the movie. well, that's your plan in mind. sometimes, what you've planned not always happening like you wanted. you can't concentrate at all to the movie, you intentionally take glances to Jinyoung. you're curious on how he'd look like when he's watching a movie because it's your first time experience to watch a movie together like this. 

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