so here you go im probably going to do a chapter everyday until Christmas then the book will probably be finished I hope you enjoy this chapter!
Paige P.O.V
I have been limiting my contact with Harry lately.
I feel like the biggest bitch because it wasn’t just his fault it was mine as well.
I can tell the boys feel the tension around us but they don’t know why, and there not going too.
“You want to tell me what’s going on between you and Harry?” Sam whispered in my ear.
“How about tomorrow we’ll go out for lunch and I’ll tell you right now I need no distraction I need to just focus on this concert tonight considering its my first one since that girl” I said
“sure but Liam is coming with because I promised to be with him tomorrow” she replied.
“Yeah that’s cool” I said and started to carry on eating my lunch.
I wasn’t really hungry so I pushed my plate to centre of the table and said “I think I’m going to go rest”.
“I think I will too” Niall added standing up while wiping his mouth with a napkin.
I smiled and kissed everyone on the cheek and said my goodbyes.
Niall ran past slapping me on the butt
“Hurry up love” he winked.
I sped walked and jumped on to the bed next to him “Hello there” I said while wrapping my arms around his neck.
“You know you mean everything to me babe” he said kissing my cheek.
“As do you too me” I smiled.
Niall rolled over and his breathing become louder that’s how I knew he was asleep.
I tried falling asleep but just couldn’t so I decided to go to text Sam and ask her if we could that catch up now.
To; Sammie
Reckon we could do that lunch thing now babe?
I waited 10 minutes for a reply but still hadn’t got one so I just decided to drive over to hers.
I put on a tiger singlet and put a denim jacket on since there was a cool breeze outside I then chucked on a pair of leggings and white converses, leaving my hair in a messy bun I applied just abit of powder on to my pale face and picked my bag up and walked out to the kitchen.
“Where you going love?” Louis said
“Oh just to Sam’s can you tell Niall if he wakes up and I’m not back?” I asked
“Yeah for sure you look great” he winked and hugged me goodbye.
“Yeah yeah goodbye loose” I winked back and left.
*knock knock*
I kept knocking but no reply, I twisted the door handle and it was unlocked I walked in to the house.
I heard a few bangs and noises, I ran upstairs thinking something was wrong.
I opened the door “Sa- OH GROSS WOW SORRY”.
I just saw one of my best friends having sex with my brother, ew.
I ran back downstairs laughing at what I just ran in on.
“Paige!” Liam yelled while wrapping a blanket around his bits.
“I’m sorry Liam I didn’t think see that” I laughed

Sometimes Dreams Can Turn Into Reality (Niall fanfiction)
Fanfikce2nd Book of Best Choice. Holds gasping drama and dramatic moments. Things that'll make you laugh, things that'll make you cry. Just kidding you won't cry.