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Roman opened the door of his room, looked around, but it was dark and reached for the lamp with one hand. He went inside and went to the wardrobe with clothes, pulled a T-shirt and put it on him. Picked up a crystal glass and went to the bar to pour himself a drink. Suddenly he heard some noise from the bedroom.

"Who is here? " He asked, while holding his glass of whiskey. Roman walked to the bedroom but suddenly stopped. 

Silhouette of a woman was in front of him, but darkness is not allowed to show her face because the light is not in the whole apartment. He raised his eyebrows and laughed.

"I'm really impressed!! You got me.. I never thought you would come into my room like.." Before say anything else, Adriana rushed towards him and kissed him in a passionate kiss. First Roman didnt know what was going on, but then threw away his glass and grabbed her head with both hands and deepened the kiss.  For a moment Adriana stopped the kiss, to breathe and said.

"I want you, Roman ! From the first moment I saw you I fell in love with you.!  " She breathing faster and put her both hands on his neck  .  "The question is, Do you want me?" She close to his lips. 

 Roman looked at her ,smiled and grabbed her with his big and strong hands and raised her high so her legs to wrap around his waist. 

" Come to daddy !" He said and he started kissing her passionately.

" Come to daddy !" He said and he started kissing her passionately

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Roman grabbed her tightly and pressed her against the wall. Started to unbutton her bra while she remove his T-shirt.

"I love you, babygirl! " Roman whispered in her ear, his warm breath made her groan.

Adriana POV

He gently brushed my hair back, then not so gently squeezed my neck. Although that it was good. He leaned slightly forward and started biting my skin. When he fell to his knees and slid my underwear down. He looked at me and grinned cockily. 

"These you will not need. "- He smiled and added. - "At least for a week " and winked.He  put it  my underwear in his back pocket.

He got up slowly and the actions that followed were anything but perfectly organized torture. Every sound, every movement was a hot from the front: unfasten his belt, the slow undoing the zipper.. I started to move my hips, as opposed to his moves. I loved this man! It took me a few moments while normalize my breathing.He removed the head from my neck, looked me in the eyes.

In the morning 

After the incredible night, we were sleeping close to each other and the feeling was amazing. I'm the happiest woman in the world.! 


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I approached near his face and kissed him on the cheek , then his beard and smiled.

 Suddenly someone rang the door. I wondered who could be so early in the morning and I got up and put the Roman's shirt because it was closest to me  and went to open the door. I opened and infront my eyes .

"You stupid, bitch!  You think I will not understand your fuckin truth, huh?  Do you want to know what is the truth? The truth is that you're a pathetic, lying whore that thinks only for herself.!"

"What? What's wrong with you, Seth? " I looked at him. He was so confused and drunk. Seth was wearing a white shirt which was unbuttoned and black pants. I was afraid of what he will say.

" Stop pretending! OK! I saw her.. I SAW HER!! OK. " He screaming and can felt the pain in his voice.

" WHO?" I asked him.

"I coming home from dinner with Zahra,... Adriana..from dinner !!  And then I saw her ! Do you think I'm stupid ? It looked just like me.... Your daughter!" He was screaming and gesturing with hands.

When I heard what he said, I I froze on the spot and I didn't know what to say. He put his both hands on his head...

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