Chapter 22~Team Crafted's Relic {THE END?} PART ONE

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"Jerome!"Mitch screamed, almost in tears. He clenched his hands into fists and gritted his teeth. He shook a little in remorse for not reacting quickly when Zenix "attacked".

"Mitch.....calm down. We need to make a plan before-"

"No!"Mitch interrupted Sky."My Biggums is about to be burnt to a crisp! I can't just stand here listening to a plan!"He barked angrily.

"Mitch. Sky's right. If w go in, we go in blind. Who knows what they have planned,"Seto said.


"Mitch. I know you mean well when it comes to justice, but you can't have it without patience. It just works that way,"Seto interrupted.

"......I...."Mitch couldn't say anything and just let Sky think of a plan.

"Okay. So here the plan..."

~Le Tem skip brought to you by Dissapoint-o's~

"Okay. Everyone ready?"Sky asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be!"Jason said with pride. He smiled.

"Okay guys. Let's get in there and show them what we've got!"Sky said with determination.

All the team got into action, letting Bodil(not Bashur cause I made that mistake in the last chapter), Travis and Barney be distractions since the last time went well. Zenix, Sasha and Gene all got into action as well, making sure none of the heroes got to the kidnapped Fluffy and Potato.(yes I just did that.FIGHT MEH)

"Team! Get in formation!"Sky said. Half of the group split up, going left and right. The original Team Crafted-including Sub, Bodil, and Tyler-went straight to rescue Jerome and Aphmau, having to fight Zenix.

"Let's go!" Sky fist bumped the air. He was so excited to battle with his team again. He smiled as the nostalgia returned to him like blood coursing through his veins.

Team Crafted was used to battling, and they all had that rush of adrenaline. They all felt the power within them, and they all had that look to them that showed they were ready for whatever came at them. As the team fought, so did the others. But a mischievous one had a plan that no one knew. Not even his Shadow Knights.

"S-Sky! Watch out!" Seto warned, hesitating at calling him Sky instead of Adam.

Sky dodged Zenix's powerful sword on time, recovering to smile at Seto in appreciation. "Thanks. Harvey." He winked at Seto and he smirked back, getting back into action.

Sky's amulet starting glowing as well as his butter sword, and as if it was connected to the others, Ty's headset glowed, Mitch's bow and arrows glowed, Ian's iron sword glowed, Jason's diamond sword glowed, and Quentin's fins started glowing to their respected color. The team looked surprised, but kept on fighting.

"Well, well, well! It seems our little mice here have their own relics! How entertaining!" Zenix exclaimed.

"We aren't mice. And what?" Sky asked, standing in front of his team that were behind him.

"Well, we are cats. And we like to play with our mice. You see, you all have special powers inside that you that have finally awoken when you found your true selves! Which is dumb! Ha! You'll be defeated before you could save your friends!"Zenix explained.

"No. We will defeat you. Because I got a strong army. They have been with me for longer than I can remember. And I forgive them. Because we are strong together. We are all a family. We are Team Crafted!" Sky said. And if on cue, his sword engulfed in black flames, making it enchanted and powerful. His clothes were masked in butter armor that had a luminous golden touch to it, and his whole body had butter-colored flames surrounding him.

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