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My mother truly had some nerve. A part of me felt like she doesn't take how I feel into consideration. A year hadn't even passed by since my dad passed on, and my mother had already thrown herself back into the dating game. She'd seen more men than I can count on one hand in the past few months.

I guess she finally found someone who'd stick around, because she wouldn't shut up about this Eric guy. And honestly, I didn't really care to meet or get to know him honestly.

"Can you believe her?" I said pacing back and forth across my room.

"Believe what?"

"My dad hasn't even been in a grave for a damn year and here she is, running wild with these men." I rolled my eyes.

"Terry calm down down." My best friend, Kendall said. "Have you even met the guy?"

I plopped down into the bed with a sigh. "No I haven't. I don't like this Kendall." I folded my arms.

This cycle started to get old and fast. I was so tired of meeting guy after guy after guy. The routine had become all too familiar to me. But maybe this guy was different? I'd never seen him before but he was all my mother could talk about lately.

I mean what made this one so special?

I guess she wasn't ready for me to meet him, because she never bothered to bring him around. But I didn't want to meet him anyways.

"You should at least give him a chance."

"My dad is gone and now she's back to dating? Just like that?" I rolled my eyes. "She didn't even give it time to sink in."

"You expect her to mope around and cry all day long? Is that what you want for her?" She asked.

I sighed. "I still think that she moved on too fast. My parents were in love and happily married. Heavyyy on the happy."

"While that maybe be true, your father is gone and she deserves to be happy with someone else."

I shrugged her off and turned away from her.

"You're being selfish Terry. As long as she's happy, you should be too."

Hearing a car door slam, I walked over to my window and peeked out to see my mom walking towards the house with a man in tow. I guess that was this new boyfriend of hers. She'd been seeing this one for a few months now. I wonder how long this one would last...

"I'm guessing that's the guy?" Kendall asked walking up behind me and peeking out of the curtain.

"Appears to be." I said shrugging and walking away from the window and over to my desk.

Kendall began packing up her backpack and I glanced back at her. "Leaving already?"

"Yeah. I wouldn't want to interrupt this little reunion of y'all's." She chuckled. "Go say hey to yo new daddy girl."

"Glad to see that you're enjoying this." I rolled my eyes.

Kendall grabbed her things and we made our way downstairs and into the living room where my mother was. She opened her arms and I walked into them, embracing her.

My mother and I were pretty close. We did a lot together. Ever since my father passed, we've gotten even closer. All we had was each other, but I guess that was no longer the case anymore. When a man came into the picture, my mother would change.

"I got done with work early so I decided that today would be a great day for you to meet Eric. He picked me up." She nods towards the patio.

"Hey Ms. Johnson." Kendall said waving to my mother.

"Hey Kendall." My mom said with a smile, before looking down at my outfit. Her facial expression changed with a quickness. "Terry I told you to dress up just in case." She says.

I scoffed. "For who? Your lil friend?" I asked. "He ain't nobody important."

Before she argue any further, I told Kendall I would walk her out to her car. I opened the front door and walked out with Kendall.

This man wasn't anybody to me, so why should I get all made up for somebody I didn't even know or care to know? I wasn't happy about this at all. And didn't want to go back and forth with my mother. Not right now anyways.

"When you get to school tomorrow, give me all the details. I wanna know everything about your new daddyyyyy." She said teasingly.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah ok. Be careful."

"Alright. See you later." She said before pulling out of my driveway.

I made my way back inside of the house and plopped down onto the couch next to my moms. I looked around and still saw no sign of this guy.

"Alright. So where is he?" I asked turning on the tv.

"He stepped out for a minute to take a call. He should be almost finished." She said flipping through a magazine.

As if on cue, I heard the back door shut and footsteps coming towards the living room. "And speaking of him, there he is." My mother stood up as he walked into the room.

I kicked my feet up on the table and kept my focus on the tv, which was showing "Coming to America".

"Terry get up and stop being rude." Mama said turning off the television.

I sighed and stood up. "It's nice to meet y-(stops)" I looked at him and then at my mom. "It's Eazy E." I said completely surprised but confused.

My mother never mentioned dating a rapper. I guess he was her new type.

"It's nice to meet you Terry. Your mom talks about you a lot." He said sticking his hand out.

I shook his hand and stepped back. "Well that's weird because I've heard so little about you." I turned to my mom with a smirk.

I knew that being petty was childish, but the look on my mother's face was priceless. She began to get red and I knew she was getting upset.

"Can I go back to my room now?" I nodded towards the stairs.

"Terry just leave." She sighs. "And don't come down until I tell you."

"Don't have to tell me twice." I replied before walking back up the steps.


The next day at school, I made sure to fill Kendall in on yesterday's events. It wasn't that important to me, but she kept pestering me about it. I knew she wouldn't quit bugging me until I gave her the deets.

"You're kidding right?" She asks surprised.

"I couldn't believe it either, but it's true." I said putting my chemistry textbook into my locker.

"Eazy is fine as hell. You're mother sure does know how to pick em'." She bit her lip.

"Ken this ain't cool. I would rather my mom be with anyone but his short ass."

"And why is that?"

"Because he's a man whore. Eric is a player. I don't know. I don't want him to hurt my mother."

"No, the problem is that you don't like the idea of your mother dating." She chuckled. "Everything is going to be fine."

"Mhmm." I mumbled before closing my locker and making my way to class.


Terry walked into the door early, which was confusing because she usually didn't get home until later. I guess her timing was somewhat perfect because I couldn't wait to tell her the good news. I knew she wouldn't be too excited about what I would have to say, but she didn't have a choice.

"You're home early?" I asked.

"Early release today." She said sitting her backpack down by the couch.

I nodded. "Sit down. I have good news." I gestured towards the couch.

"What is it?" She asks taking a seat on the couch.

"Ok. Well look I know this is unexpected and all..."

To be continued...

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