Chapter 26

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Jackson's POV

"Mom, we've been waiting in this waiting room for 2 hours! What's taking them so long! I wanna see Ramona!" I yell.

"Calm down Jackson Ramona is fine." My mom said.

"No she's not! You know why? There's something wrong with her! I want to know what is it! I'm scared!" I cry and yell.

"Come here. It's going to be okay." My mom pulled me in for a hug and I cry on her shoulder.

"She's really for y'all to see. But she's still sleeping." I saw a nerve saying to us.

I run out of my moms arms and run into Ramona's room where she is sleeping.

I run over to her and grab her hand and cry.

Then everyone else walks in. "So, what's wrong with her?" Kimmy asked.

"She has low blood pressure." The nurse said.

"And what are the symptoms?" Kimmy asked.

"Dizziness, lightheaded, nausea, fainting, unusual thirst, she will also get cold and clammy and also shallow breathing." The nurse said.

"Well that definitely makes us feel much better." I say sarcastically.

"When she gets released from the hospital is two weeks, she will have to take medicine two times everyday day. You know, to prevent the dizziness." The nurse says.

"Okay. Thanks." Kimmy said then the nurse walked out.

"I wanna be alone with Ramona please." I say.

"Oh okay. We will be in the waiting room if you need anything or call us if she wakes up." Kimmy said.

"Okay." I say. They all walk out of the room and I look over back at Ramona.

She looked so beautiful. I love her so much and I don't want to loose her.

Then I saw her eyes flutter and she woke up. I smiled so big to see those beautiful eyes open up again.

"Hey beautiful." I say.

"H-hi. Where am I?" She asked.

"In the hospital." I say dropping my smile.

"What?" She looked scared.

"Yeah. You fainted or something happened when we where at detention so we had to take you to the hospital and the nurse said that you have low blood pressure." I said.

"Low blood pressure?" She asked.

"Yeah. I have a question that the nurse wanted to know but you where sleeping so she couldn't ask you but, have you been feeling any dizzy or nausea before?" I asked.

"Well I have been dizzy a little bit when I wake up but then it goes away after like 20 minutes." She said.

"Oh. Well yeah, you have low blood pressure and the nurse said that you will be released in two weeks." I said.

"TWO WEEKS?! I've already missed enough school! I can't miss two weeks. Mr Stacy will be so mad at me even more and he always yells at me like I did something wrong, which I didn't." She cried.

"Shh shh. Don't worry. Mr. Stacy got fired." I smiled.

"What? Why?" She asked.

"Because he didn't help you out through when you fell and stuff. He just told me to sit down, but I didn't and I back talked him. He need that back talk. He's an awful teacher and he did deserve to get fired." I say.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2016 ⏰

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