Hey You

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The next few weeks of school went by dreadfully slow. Every day I came home with at least 3 hours of homework. And the worst part was, I never saw Guy since the first day.

Kate was coming over tonight. We we're going to the movies together.

"So Em, have you seen Mr. Berrybuns since the first day?" She giggled and wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"Ha Ha" I responded sarcastically. "I honestly don't know where he went. It's like he disappeared from view."

I finished applying my mascara and turned to look her in the face. She gave me a confused look.

"What's with all the makeup. We're going to the movies it's gonna be dark the whole time?"

I laughed at her.

"I guess i just hope i'm gonna run into him somewhere randomly. So i gotta dress to impress. Ya know?"

She just smiled and waved me out of my room and out the front door to her car.

"Bye Mrs. Jones see you tonight!"

She was a year older than me, 17 to be exact. However she had to stay back in 8th grade because she got a bad concussion from sports that year.

The drive was 15 minutes to the towns small theater. People of all ages were in line for every different movie. We were going to see the new Blair Witch movie. I live for horror movies.

When i got to the register there was a beautiful young blonde girl that i had seen around school a few times, I think her name was Alexis. And too her left was a boy about the same age with messy brown hair. The blonde waved me and Kate over to purchase our tickets.

"2 for Blair Witch please!?"

"Of course that will be $10.50. Enjoy your movie Emma."

Well then. I didn't know she knew my name. I just smiled and replied.

"Thanks Lex."

**2 Hours Later**

"HOLY JESUS THAT WAS SCARY!" Kate yelled as she walked out of the theater shaking. I started laughing.

"Well I thought it was amazing. I freaking loved these movies so mu-...."


When I was responding to Kate I saw HIM. And I was 100% sure of that.

"Shhh Kate. It's Guy!"

I started to fast walk towards him. Slow Emma slow. I slowed to a light gallop. He was leaning against the wall with the glow of his phone lighting his perfect face.

"Hi Guy" He looked at me with those deep brown eyes.

"Long time no see. What's up Emma?" He cracked a small smile with those perfect white teeth.

"Just saw Blair Witch... Highly recommend it if ya know... you're into it?" I wanted to know if he liked the movies I liked without directly asking him. Stay cool Emma stay cool.

"Oh yes that shits great!" He chuckled. "I was actually about to see it with Lex. She gets out of her shift here in 5 minutes"

God I'm so stupid. Of course he has a girlfriend. He's an angel sent from up above. My heart sunk deep into my chest as my breath got caught in my throat.

"Lex?! She's beautiful. Have fun. I guess i'll be going now." I decided it would just be best if I left now. I turned my back and started walking away.

"Em! Wait up!" I turned around to see him running back to catch up with me. He grabbed my hand and put a piece of scrap paper in it.
"My number. Text me monday during your free. I want to grab some food maybe?"

Wait what? Food? With me? What about Lex. Hmm. About 15 seconds went bye as I was staring at his face daydreaming.

"Em? Ya there?"

"Oh... uh sure. Monday. See you then" God stupid stupid stupid. Alright chill out.

"Bye Em." He smiled as he walked back to the wall to wait for Lex.

"Bye Guy" i whispered so only i could hear it.

I walked back to Kate and entered his number into my phone and the red him to tell him this was me.

"So I see someone has a date?" She wiggles her eyebrows.

"No. He just said he wanted to chill during the free. Which doesn't make sense. He's out with Lex right now I mean look at them."

I looked over to see them hugging and giggling at each other. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder as they walked into their theater.

"I guess your right but let me know how this little talk of your goes" She winked at me as we walked out the theater to head home.





Jesus why is my phone flipping out. I reached over and was immediately blinded by its brightness. It took a few seconds to register. But then i realized who it was. Guy.

Guy: Emma.

Guy: Emma wake up!

Guy: EMMA!!!

Holy shit this is kind of alarming.

Me: I'm awake now ass. Why do you need me?

I waited a few seconds hoping he wouldn't answer but i was wrong.

Guy: Can you drive? I have something to show you...

Me. Uh I only just got me permit...

Guy: Now worries I'll come grab you. What's ur address.

Me: 127 James Street

Guy: Wait seriously?

Me: Yeah why?

Guy: I'm across the street. Walk over when your ready i'll be waiting for you in my car.

What the actual fuck just happened? I got out of bed and slipped on some sweats my bra and flip-flops. I fixed up hair up into a messy bun and climbed out of my window to the front steps of his house.

"Hey you" He said quietly as he opened up the passengers seat of his 4 door all black Jeep. Lucky bastard.

"This better be good. You stole my sleep for this you know. And i get grumpy when i'm tired..." I gave him a small glare as he chuckled at me.

"Well it's a 30 minute drive so you can rest your eyes more if you'd like?"

As soon as the car started moving the motion and light crisp air brought me back to a peaceful slumber.

{A/N ooooooo where do you think he's taking her?! I promise i'll update again either in a few hours or tomorrow!! Ugh i love writing this story❤️}

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