Jeff The Killer X Bullied!Abused!Suisdeal!Male Reader

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Beautiful smile.

Third person pov

(Y/n) was constantly bullied for no reason at all. Always being called names, beaten up, harassed and once even sexualy abused.... His mom died while giving birth to him and his father blames him. His father also beats him multiple times a day and sexualy abuses him at night. (Y/n) had tried to kill him self but was to cowardly to do it. One day changed his life.

(Y/n) pov

I ran up to my room trying to escape my father once more just like every night. It never worked but I always try, I can't stand this anymore. I run into the closet and blocked the door with the small wooden dresser I have in there. The banging on the entrance to my room starts, just like every time. Once more I hear the door break down and heavy foot steps trudge twords the closet. Cowering back into the deepest corner of the closet, I silently cry and beg that someone might save me. Out of no where I hear a loud thud and a deep scratchy voice "go to sleep"

Jeff's Pov

I kill the horrible ugly man. He could never even be compared to my beautiful face. I stabbed him in the back with esmerelda my lovely knife and twisted it around, killing him, making him beautiful and fulfilling my blood lust. Whimpering and begging are overflowing from the small closet in the room. Heh. Probaly a little human trying to hide from me and my beauty. Why does everyone hate my smile. I think it's the most beautiful thing ever! I stalk over to the closet and the Whimpering stops. Kid probaly knows I'm gonna kill him and make him beautiful like me! I opened the closet and saw a boy probably about (y/a) (your age) with dull (e/c) eyes and (h/l) (h/c). Cuts and bruises were all over his body and the kid looked like he been beaten and abused every day of his life. He's almost a beautiful as me! The thing that surprised me though is when he spoke with a slight smile and teary eyes twords me "is he dead? Am I free now?" He asked.

Your pov

It might be true. I might finnaly be free. And if this guy killed my dad maybe he will kill me to and I will finally be able to be in peace. "Are you going to kill me? Please do. I will finnaly be free of this thing called life and never have to be beaten again or raped or anything. Please please kill me" I begged him on my knees and put his knife filled hand twords my heart. He looks at me like I was crazier then him, that's when I get a good look at his face. No eyelids, pale skin, charred black hair and the most beautiful smile ever. It's so pretty! He then looks upset and starts to yell "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU WANT TO DIE! NOBODY WANTS TO DIE BY THE HANDS OF ME! WHY AREN'T YOU COWERING IN FEAR AT MY FACE! STOP LOOKING AT ME THAT WAY? AM I TO UGLY FOR YOU TO SAY ANYTHING? THAT'S IT RIGHT! OBVIOUSLY! IT HAS TO BE OTHERWISE YOU WOULD BE BEGGING FOR YOUR LIFE! STOP IT STOP SMILING AT ME! ONLY I'M SUPPOSED TO SMILE WHEN YOU DIE SO I CAN MAKE YOU AS BEAUTIFUL AS ME!" What? Why would he say that? "But your so beautiful! Your smile is so pretty! If you do kill me could you make me one. Or is that to much to ask." He seems to of been put in shock.

Jeff's Pov

What? He thinks my smile is pretty. No one has ever said that. He wants one if I kill him. He thinks I'm beautiful. No one has ever complimented my beautiful face or how I look after what happened. I drop down onto my knees and hug him tightly to my chest. I don't understand this feeling though, it's clenching my unbeating heart. "What is this? What did you do to me! I don't understand! Are you some kind of witch or wizard and put a spell on me!" I start to raise my voice. He laughs a little and touches my smile at the edges lightly. "No I didn't do anything. It's so beautiful. When are you going to kill me? I really want to go. Please do." What is with this kid! "No. I'm not going to kill you. Your not afraid, called me beautiful and actually want to die. That just takes the fun out of it" I tell him before asking his name. "It's (y/n)" He says.

Your pov

So he's not going to kill me even if I beg him. That's sad. I actually thought that I could die without holding the knife myself. I start tracing his smile with my fingers, it feels weird but cool at the same time. Did he make him self. He crushes me back to his chest making me now unable to move and getting my face all bloody. Okay then. I'm being smothered against an atractive guy with a beautiful face. I dont understand anymore. He speaks into my ear "I think I like you." My face turns red and I reply slowly "I think I like you to"


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