DR.SMILEY X Female Reader; come again

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Third person pov

    Y/n was one of slenderman's best proxies. Not once had she defied or hesitated on his orders, unlike some procrastinators (*cough* me *cough*). Anyway on this particular night slender had ordered her to go and stop a 'wanna be murderer' as he put it. A man with a chain saw and all red clothing and hair had been the guy Y/n was after (*cough* grell*cough*). Stalking him for a while, she had gotten bored and summoned her sythe (hell ya your bad ass) y/n flipped and landed right behind him and said her famous catch phrase "Don't rest in peace" and she had brought it down on him, but befire he was officially dead, he cut off her left foot from the shin down. With the blood seeping from the wound, she picked up the foot and hobbled her way back to the mansion.
Your pov

Damn, that son of a bitch got my foot. I slowly made my way back to slender mansion with my left foot in hand when the man himself appeared in front of me. "Y/n" He spoke with surprise laced in his voice, "What the hell happened to you child" I looked up at him with shame "before the damn bastard died he managed to chop it off with that dumb ass chain saw in his hands" I told him. Slender sighed and looked at me in.... pity? I can't tell with his stupid blank face. "I heard that" He said quickly. Stupid mind reading.... "and that. Anyway. I can't fix that and neither can ej. Your going to have to go down to.... him" He hesitated. I know exactly who 'him' is. Dr. Smiley. One of the best doctors yet most deadly and found a way to kill even zalgo himself. "Yeah. I know. I figured as much. Can you please teleport me so I don't have to hobble the entire way" He nodded and picked me up with one of his many tentacles.... Damn octopus "I advise you keep those thoughts quiet y/n" damn.

Dr. Smileys pov

Ladeda! Hahaha Mr. Slender is going to let me operate on one of his best proxies! I'll make her feel so much better! I gather my serums and stiching tools up and put them all on the counter, while plopping back into my spiny chair. Hahahaha oooo I can't wait! A knock on the door stops my thought process and I open it in a hurry. Yes there they were, slender and the best of his proxies! She has a foot in her hand, I look down and it's already chopped off! Dang someone did part of my job for me! "Smiley you will be stitching her foot back on, Where it's supposed to be, not somewhere else" awww man party crasher. "Yeah yeah yeah what ever hahahaha come on in deary!" I grabbed her by the hand without the foot and slammed the foot preventing slender from even trying to enter or talk to his presious proxie. She's all mine now!

Your pov

I git dragged in by the wrist, and practically thrown onto the operating table. Rude ass mo fo. Can't blame him though, probaly hasn't had a patient in a while. I've read his story many times and for some reason feel as if i could relate.... don't ask why...  "Alright deary! Hahaha were going to put your foot back on and you will not feel a thing" Why do I have a feeling.... nah.... he ingects a neon pink serum into my leg right above where it was hacked off and a tingling sensation bubbles down there. "Can I please have your foot! Or shall I take your other one off and reverse them first?" I thrust my foot onto his without a second thought and keep quiet. At least this asshole can't read my thoughts. He picks up this big ass needle and places my foot back where  it's supposed to be. The second the needle touches my leg I scream out in pain. It felt more like a rusty old nail impaling my skin instead of a needle. It was the fucking serum. He puts the needle through a second time "aaaahhhhgggrrrrrhhh" I let out a more strangled scream. "Oh what sweet screams. They fill me to the brim of happiness, scream again won't you?" He pushes it though and pulls tight making me scream louder than before. "Do you like my special serum, I saved it just for you~" He whispered in my ear. I take back what I said earlier, I can't relate to this fucking dumbass sadistic bastard one bitching bit. Half way through the stitching he starts to.... Kiss my injured appendage... it's fucking creepy. "Oh my dear ~ am I making feel better even just a tad" I mean... he technically is.... I nod my head yes once. He smiles wide and gos back to the agonizing stitching pain and I bite down on my hand, making it bleed. I'm not going to give this bitch anymore satisfaction than he already had now.

-time skip brought to you by.... blood bitch blood-

The stitching was finally over. Pro, that pain is gone. Con, I bit my hand so often that I ripped multiple chunks out of it. And of course he noticed it. "Oh deary looks like I still have to make you better, you can't possibly be happy with your care like that" before I get a chance to answer him, he brings his hand up or his now uncovered mouth and... licks it. Full on licks it. It feels weird. And very unnatural, yet at the same time.... nice maybe. He countiued licking it and I could of swore he was smile at this point. He does this until no more blood is pooling around it and grabs wrappings. He grabs my wrist and wraps the cloth around it so tight I seems to be cutting off circulation. I can't move it now. "Your all done dear, it seems our fun is over. Please do come back though haha" He smiles wider if possible showing his sharp teeth and leads me to the door. I step out and the door slams shut once more. Slender comes and appears oit of no where next to me. "Your finnaly done. Good. Because once your elgible, which should be in an hour I need you to go out and deal with a few boys trying to find me and film it" I nod my head as i try to keep all the thoughts in my head back. I look at my hand and at my stitched foot. "I may just come back after all" I whisper to myself and walk out the mansion, making sure to trip on the stairs on the way out.

1146 words! Hell ya! I'm finnaly back with an official chapter.... I was really bored and insomnia doesn't really help that fact.... so I couldn't sleep it off and I didn't want to quite read so I was like...  might as well write since I've been procrastinating anyway. Anyway. Please request more and if not I'll adventually get bored and make a completely random one.  Also that is a completely random photo i had on my phone KEEP ON PARTYING! ~ DJ MASTER WOOLF OUT ~

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