Chapter 3

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I do not own AOT nor do I own the characters. i own just the plot. Any ideas for later in this story leave in the comments


A week later, Armin got a call from the solicitors telling him the time, date and place of his grandpas' funeral. He immediately told Eren and Mikasa when they came home from school. "Two weeks away? You really should start at the school before then. It would help you take your mind off it," Eren said sighing. Mikasa nodded at Eren's suggestion and Armin agreed to go with them starting tomorrow and went to pick the clothes he'll wear and get his backpack sorted out

The next day Armin had got ready for his first day at his new school. As he walked into the huge brick building with Eren and Mikasa at either side of him, he felt the stares and heard some student's whispering to their friends. The three made their way to the reception to get Armin's schedule. When he got his schedule he looked at it and showed it to Mikasa. "Me and you have Maths, English and history together. All three of us have Art and Science. You and Eren have PE and Geography together." She said handing back the map and schedule to Armin. "Oh yeah! You have also been put to see the school counselor once a week so you should start making your way. We would take you but we have homeroom now." Eren said.

Armin walked to the doctors office and knocked on once he made sure it was the right place. When he heard a faint "come in" he opened the door and walked in, immediately spotting a brunette sitting at her desk typing on her computer. She stopped for a brief moment and looked at the blond. "Armin? Come in, have a seat," she said. 'I've seen her before but where?' Armin thought and suddenly blurted out "Hanji? Is that you?" making the woman giggle and nod.

Armin smiled and sat down in the seat opposite Hanji. "I have you down for counselling, following the passing of your grandpa, I presume?" she asked, which he nodded to. Hanji got out a pen and pad and began writing a few stuff down. "I-I suffered with anxiety before he passed, but since then it's got worse. Same with my depression. I've never talked to anyone about it before now." Armin stated looking down. Hanji nodded and put her pen down. "I do find that people who suffer with mental illnesses are worse when a big life-changing event takes place. That's all for today Armin. We will meet the same time every monday." she said

Armin walked out of Hanji's office and looked at his schedule and map. 'Maths with Miss Ral? 201, so second floor somewhere' he thought as he started up the stairs. When he reached the top he saw Mikasa. "There you are Armin, come on we are almost late and Miss Ral doesnt like late-comers!" she said as she dragged him into class. Armin looked at the small woman infront of him. She had very light brown hair and golden brown eyes that were looking at him. "Hm? Ok class we have a new student joining us today. His name is Armin Arlert. Armin please take a seat next to Thomas."she said pointing to a seat next to a short haired blond. Armin looked at where she was pointing and went to sit in his seat. Mikasa was sat behind him with a blonde haired, light grey eyed girl who had her hoodie up and looked like she was bored.

Armins first few lessons had finished and now he had lunch. As he was getting his lunch someone pushed him to the side and he gasped as he bumped into someone. "S-sorry," he muttered as he started to turn around to see who he had bumped into. "It's ok Armin." said a familiar voice. Armin looked up and gasped "Erwin?!" he whispered. Eren and Mikasa ran up after seeing what had happened. "Armin are you alright? I'll get that horse-face," Eren growled. Mikasa sighed, "I'm sorry Principal Smith, please forgive Armin," she said. Erwin chuckled "No problem Miss Ackerman, Mr Jeager, please refrain from fighting Jean. Now then Armin, I want to speak with you after school, nothing bad I can assure you." He said before going to his office

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