Chapter 2

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I do not own AOT/SNK or the characters. I only own the plot. I am sorry for the delay, I have been trying to battle writers block. if you have any suggestions to add into this story please leave a comment

Armin was awoken the next day by hard banging on the front door. He slipped out of bed and out of his room to answer the door. The knocking stopped as he got to the door and opened it. Right in front of him stood the officer from yesterday with a sad expression on his face. "Officer Hannes! Come in, what's wrong?" he asked as he guided Hannes through the living room and sat him down. Armin quickly ran upstairs to wake Eren and Mikasa. A few minutes later the trio came down and sat around Officer Hannes.

"I have come with terrible news." he stated, making Armins eyes widen in horror. "The firemen were finally able to get into your grandpa's room after dousing the most of the flames. They found him lying on the bed next to a gun, everything around him was burnt to a crisp. I'm soo sorry to have to say this to someone your age, but he's dead. We don't know weather he died from the gun or the fire. I am truly sorry for your loss." he said before standing. Armin and the others walked the officer to the front door and bid him farewell.

During the next few days, Armin hardly came out of his room, only to eat and when the phone rang. Mikasa and Eren were in the living room. "Should we talk to Armin? I know it's really tough on him but he should be around us, not isolating himself away," Mikasa said just before the phone rang. Eren got up and answered it as Armin walked in. "It's for you Armin, its a soliciter." he said turning round and holding the phone out. Armin walked over and grabbed it from Eren. "Hello? It's Armin, yes." He said. the two conversed over the phone for a few more moments before hanging up.

"What did he say Armin? Do you want us to go with you to the office?" Mikasa kept asking, like the mother hen she was. Armin chuckled at this. "Mika, I'll be fine, I'm meeting someone there anyway. A relative I didn't know about". It was a few days after the phone call from the soliciter, and Armin was heading out to their office. The person he was meeting was his long lost uncle, who Armin was told was the youngest his Grandpa had and was just 23.

Armin later arrived at the soliciters office and sat in one of the chairs in the waiting room. He was soon approached by a tall, muscular blond male with a brownish undercut. "I guess your Armin? Am I correct with that assumption?" the male asked as he sat next to him. Armin nodded at the male. "Yes, may I have your name? I'm not very comfortable talking to people I don't know". The man nodded in understanding and turned to face him. "I'm Erwin Smith, your uncle, the youngest your grandpa had. I was only 8 when you were born."He said smiling as he held his hand out which Armin grabbed, smiling and shook gently.

They sat and talked about the good times with Armin's Grandfather for a while before they were called in by the soliciter. As they walked in theysaw a rather scary looking male, who had dark bags around his eyes, which made Armin cower behind his newly-found uncle. Erwin guided Armin to a seat and sat down next to him. "Let's begin," the soliciter started. "Since the two of you are the only ones alive in his will we will needto go through who get's what from the other relatives. Firstly there is the house, which when rebuilt will belong to both of you to share. You both get half of the money each that he left behind, totalling at £30,000. A month before his passing he moved all his valuable possesions in to a storage facility, which you can decide what happens with. I do believe that is all, I will contact you if I find anything else and I am sorry for your loss. He did set aside some money for his funeral which my team can sort out if you wish."

As they left the soliciters office a brunette haired female came bouncing over and hugged Erwin, "how was it in there sweetie?" She asked as she stepped back and pushed her glasses up. Erwin chuckled "It went well Hanji, Oh, Armin meet my girlfriend Hanji, Hanji meet my nephew Armin," he said introducing the two and watched as Hanji walked over and hugged Armin. "It's soo nice to meet you Armin," she said letting go. "Would you like to come over for dinner sometime? We could get to know each other better, she said smiling. Armin nodded, accepting the offer while Erwin chuckled. "If I didn't know any better I would say you were hitting on my nephew!" He said as he hugged them both gently.

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