Chapter 7

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My phone rang after dinner. It was an unknown number and I already had a feeling who it was. "Hello." I picked up.

"Jessica. There are some dealers in your town that want to go for a trade. You willing to stop by and get some good deals for me? They need the money and we need the stuff so it's only fair." I thought about the deal.

"Yeah I'll go. What do they need the money for?"

"Apparently the guy is trying to get his mother into an expensive nursing home and he needs the money."

"Alright. You better be running the gang well Blank. Otherwise I'll kill you." I didn't usually threaten him so he just laughed at me.

"Alright Jess. See ya soon." And then he hung up on me. Something seemed off but I didn't pay any attention. He always sounded off. It was Blank for crying out loud. He texted me the details and I told Lindsey to come with me in the morning. We went to bed at the normal time and I looked in the mirror to see that I was already gaining some weight. I almost didn't like it. Almost.

When I woke up the next morning, I shook Lindsey awake and we both got dressed and headed outside. The sun was barely peeking over the horizon. The orange and red colors danced along the sky and made me feel alive. Maybe today would be a good day.

We made our way into town on foot. I pulled out my phone and followed the street signs to an alley way where we were supposed to meet the two guys that would trade with us. There wasn't anyone there but I had a feeling they'd show up soon. We stood there for half an hour and I started to get a feeling something was wrong. "You alright?" Lindsey asked.

Just before I could answer they showed up. "So, a deal is a deal, right? Hand over the money and we'll give you the stuff." The guy said on the left. They both had ski masks on and were wearing all black. Quickly, I took out the money and then we both threw both items towards each other. I caught the brown bag full of drugs that Blank requested and they caught the money. I handed it to Lindsey and she put it in her jacket.

We went to turn around but then they jumped us. I felt hands around my throat and I grabbed the attacker's wrist and broke it. I heard a scream from him and turned around to see Lindsey fighting off the other. "You were supposed to be alone!" I heard my attacker say. I took him and slammed him against the wall and he was knocked out for now. My hands went towards the other guy's throat and I slammed him down on the ground and knocked him unconscious. Lindsey was standing and shaking and I was out of breath as we quickly grabbed the money back and the brown bag and then ran.

We went all the way to the end of the alley and then started walking as we made it out on the main street. "Dakota! Lindsey! What was all that screaming?" I spun around and I felt my face grow red from anger as I saw it was Ava. Was she stalking us?

"Nothing. We just decided to take a short cut through the alley. We were talking." She furrowed her brow and then looked the both of us up and down. She glanced into the alley and saw the men on the ground.

"Did you get jumped? Oh my god." Her fingers touched my neck and electric shot through me. I jumped away and winced. "You've got bruises. And so do you Lindsey. Here come with me. I'll help patch you up." She said.

"No we're fine." I said and turned away.

"No you're not. Please. It's the least I could do to help you. Let me drive you home." I looked at Lindsey and she gave me a look that I should listen to her so we got in Ava's car and headed for my house.

"What happened back there?" Ava asked.

"We got jumped by those guys." Lindsey said. I wanted to stay quiet so she decided to talk to Ava.

"You could have been choked to death. Those bruises look bad."

"We're fine." I said and then coughed. It hurt but I wouldn't say anything about it. She kept looking at me and the rest of the ride was in silence. We went passed my house and I gave her a look signaling that we passed it. "I know, Dakota." Was all she said before we pulled up in front of her house.

We all got out of the car and Lindsey motioned for me to follow Ava. We went inside and her house was even nicer than the outside. Everything was kept clean even though she was single. We went into the kitchen and Ava went and grabbed some things that would help clean our cuts and maybe repair the bruises a little.

She came back and went to work on me first. I couldn't help but pull away at her touch and she grabbed my chin more firmly causing me to look her in the eyes as she wiped a cut on my forehead. "You should be glad my dad was a doctor. He did stuff like this all the time so he taught me." Lindsey nodded and finally she finished on me and went to Lindsey, cleaning her face.

"I'll be in the other room making a call." I said as I jumped off the counter and made my way into the living room. The phone rang three times before he picked up. "Blank. We need to talk."

"What's up?" He said.

"What's up?! They jumped us dumbass. You set us up with them, so that's your first warning. After 3 you're dead. Remember the rules."

"Oh, really? I'm sorry. Please don't give me a warning."

"Too late." I said and then hung up. I went back into the kitchen and saw them both staring at me. "That piece of shit set us up. I'm sure of it."

"Language please in my house." Ava said.


"Are you sure?" Lindsey asked.

"Positive. He sounded off."

"He always sounds off."

"Not like this though. Something is seriously wrong."

"What do you mean? Who are you talking about?" I looked at Ava and realized she was still there.

"Nothing. I don't want you involved." She looked sadly at me and then Lindsey sighed and then went to explain.

"Dakota owns a gang. A guy named Blank is right underneath of her and when she came here she put him in charge. There has never been any issues with trades until today. So someone somewhere is messing with us. More than likely it's a rival gang that kidnapped Blank."

"More than likely." I said. I looked at Ava and saw fear in her eyes. I let the anger slip from me. Lindsey just told Ava everything and now she was scared. Great.

"You own a gang?" I nodded at her. I didn't let her ask any questions as I grabbed Lindsey and went to the front door.

"I want to help." Her statement made me stop. Why?

"No." I said looking halfway over my shoulder at her and then stepped outside. We went back to my house and up to my room, not bothering to eat. "Why did you explain it to her?" I snapped at Lindsey finally.

"It's only a matter of time before she'd find out. She's always around us."

"So you thought it would be a good idea to just explain ourselves to her?"


I sighed. "Don't keep telling her stuff that she shouldn't know. It's dangerous. You should know that of all people."

"Okay." Was all she replied. The room grew quiet. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I pulled it out to answer the anonymous caller.


"Hey. I want to warn you. It's Miller. He's coming." The person hung up quickly and I stood there staring at the black screen on my phone in shock. Not this. Anyone but him. "Who was that?" Lindsey asked. I didn't answer her as I turned around blankly and opened the door and closed it behind me. I went out the front door and no one followed as I walked down the street and away from the house. It began to rain.

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