chapter 1

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Author note
Hey waddup guys its me thenick5o here doing a new story and never before story like no other and for all of you who enjoy my story of rwby thank you for reading it the story involves yandere and cheater so i created both topic into one and i hope you enjoy

Author p.o.v

You were miku's best friend since childhood you guys never been seperate since now

y/n: ahhh miku chan wait up i can't run as fast as you

Miku: come on y/n-kun we have to be at the cafe for like 10 minutes ago

Y/n: okay i am coming

You still remember the days that she always act so cute and protective in sort of ways

Flash back (age 10 years old)

Miku: hey y/n kun

Y/n: yes miku what is it?

Miku: do you like me ?

Y/n: yea i like you as

She was afraid what were you about to say

Y/n: as a girlfriend if you want to be my gf

Miku: yes y/n i will be you gf and promise me we won't be seperate

So when you accept miku as your girlfriend you were happy even with her yandere motif everytime when a girl come to talk to you or flirt with you miku give a death glare or threat to the girl and you were okay with that it was cool having a protective yandere girlfriend

Miku: y/n if any girl try to talk to you i will

Y/n: hurt them or kill them i know miku and i "ll always love you

Miku: y/n kun~~~ thank you i love you too

Kaito: ahhhh okay weird but cool

Luka: cute

Flashback ended

You arrive at the cafe seeing your friends kaito,luka,rin and len they were talking to each other until they saw both of you

Kaito: hey y/n kun

Luka: hi y/n hi miku

Rin&len: hey y/n and miku

Y/n: hey guys

Miku: hi how are you all doing ?

Kaito: were good we are waiting for you

Y/n: he he sorry i was sleeping late

Luka: well at least you got here that what it matters

Y/n: thanks luka . So does anyone want anything i am buying

Kaito: well i have some coffee

Luka : latte

Rin: cappacino

Len: same as rin

Y/n: okay ammmm miku you want anything ?

Miku: i'll have green tea

Y/n: okay

So you went inside to order some drinks while the others were talking kaito heard a phone ringging he heard that sound at the direction of miku and he saw that miku was talking and giggle on the phone the table was silent and look at miku

Miku: he he i know its really funny yeah i"ll call you later okay alright i love you too bye

Kaito: arghh miku who was that on the phone ?

Miku: oh no one special just a friend

Kaito mind: miku who was that on the phone please don't do anything to it your a yandere for pete sake i know a yandere never let things go that easy . Arghhh

Luka: are you okay kaito

Kaito: yeah luka i am fine

You came back bringing everyone drinks and they were suprised that you were buying drinks for them while you giving out drinks kaito still give a weird look to miku but he still just let it slide

Y/n: so guys any plans for this weekend

Kaito: nope

Luka : i have to go to the studio to record or listen to some songs

len: me and rin are going to the mall to buy some stuff

Miku: i have a tour so i am sorry i can't spend the weekend with you okay i hope you forgive me

Y/n: yeah don't worry so kaito wanna hang out with me this weekend

Kaito: sure y/n why not

So the weekend has set between the bros you and kaito but kaito still thinking who was on the phone with miku that is still a mystery to him

Author note

Hey waddup guys its me thenick5o so what do you think about this story and i hope you enjoy it also i am sorry i write this a very short chapter but yeah so i think that's it for today i am thenick5o and i'll see guys later peace out

yandere cheater hatsune miku x male reader X Rin KagamineWhere stories live. Discover now