chapter 3

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Author p.o.v

So you woke up from bed you still remember what had happen form yesterday and you still don't know if you want to tell the others but i think kaito is already handle it so you went to the bathroom to get cleaned up then you saw that your phone was ringging and you saw that kaito is calling you so you picked up

Y/n: hello kaito what sup

Kaito: hey y/n are you okay from yesterday

Y/n: no still sad i still can't believe why she do this to me

Kaito: hey whatever it is its her own fault hey me meet at the cafe alright

Y/n: okay sure i'll be there in a few minutes

So after the call you went to change in new clothes meanwhile at the vocaloids place kaito was ready to go see you until he bumped into rin and said

Kaito: oh rin sorry i did'nt see you here i am sorry

Rin: that's okay hey what's wrong you looked sad

Kaito: oh you can see huh well i will tell you if you keep this as a secret

Rin: sure

so kaito told to rin about what had happen yesterday and the incident when its all over

Rin: that bitch how could miku do this she and y/n kun had been friends since they were kids

Kaito: yeah just don't tell this to your brother or miku or luka okay

Rin: alright so where are you going?

Kaito: i am going to meet y/n kun at the cafe you wanna come with me to see him

Rin: can i. I really want to see him and cheer him up

Kaito: sure i think he be glad to see you

Rin blush and said

Rin: yeah i hope

Little that he knows that rin had a crush on you when you were kids she always got your back and always being nice around you but when miku said that she loves y/n it broke her heart but still dosen't give up on your heart just yet

So few minutes later

You arrive at the cafe and see that rin and kaito was there you were suprised that rin was there she was also your childhood friend and you had a little crush on her but you were afraid that she reject you so you went with miku so you said 

Y/n: hey kaito hey rin

Kaito: hey y/n kun

Rin: hi y/n kun

Y/n: i was suprised that you were here rin

Rin: yeah and also kaito told me about what had happen yesterday and i am sorry y/n kun

Y/n: no problem rin it was'nt your fault

Kaito: well you guys want anything i buy drinks is on me

Y/n&rin: green tea latte

You and rin blush bcos you both said the same thing

Kaito: okay i'll be back in a minute

So you still shy try to break the ice of this conversation its hard until you saw a stage near the counter so you decide to try to sing to express your feelings then you walked to the counter to ask about the performance and the waitress let you do it so you went to the stage and picked up a guitar and said

Y/n: hello everyone i am y/n l/n i have song that inspire me to do it this song is for a certain some one so i hope you enjoy so you strum the guitar
He sing worry by jack garrett (i do not own this song )

Play this song while reading the lyrics

My nights are broken up by the sounds of women i'll never meet
And when my eyes closed i can start to feel you staring at me
The right side of my bed has always left me feeling stuck in between (oh,oh,oh,oh)
Everything i know and all the lies i tell myself so i can sleep

Pick apart the pieces you left
Don't you worry about it,don't you worry about it
Try and give yourslef some rest
And let me worry about it,let me worry about it

You came around to say that you've been away,like i hadn't known
As if i don't wake up every single day not seeing you go
As if this moon of ours only shines a half to make me feel whole
As if haven't felt your breath in every step i take when the wind blows

Pick apart the pieces you left
Don't you worry about it,don't you worry about it
Try and give yourself some rest
And let me worry about it,let me worry about it

(Oh,oh,oh,oh) (worry)
(Oh,oh,oh,oh) (worry)
(Oh,oh,oh,oh) (worry)
(Oh,oh,oh,oh) (worry)
(Oh,oh,oh,oh) (worry)
(Oh,oh,oh,oh) (worry)
(Oh,oh,oh,oh) (worry)

Pick apart the pieces you left
Don't you worry about it, don't you worry about it
Try and give yourself some rest
And let me worry about it , let me worry about it
(Worry) (Worry)
(Worry) (Don't you worry)

As you finish the song everyone in the cafe got up and start to cheer you and clapped you for the awesome performance and you saw that rin and kaito cheer you for that awesome performance so after your done you went to kaito and rin

Y/n: wow that felt great

Kaito: nice man when do you learn how to play the guitar and sing

Y/n: long time ago

Rin: y/n kun that was awesome

You were blush of that compliment from rin

Y/n: thanks rin i hope you enjoy that song

So you three start drinking your drinks and start talking about the old days and the future and you saw that the rest of the gang is coming even you saw your cheating yandere girlfriend miku

Author note

Well guys i hope you enjoy this chapter and thanks for giving support in this story so i think that's it for today i am thenick5o and i'll see you later guys peace out

yandere cheater hatsune miku x male reader X Rin KagamineWhere stories live. Discover now