chapter 84

681 6 2

Author p.o.v
The rest of them are still stay alert and being together for protection im the studios or vocaloid household.

Meanwhile somewhere in the city

Miku been staying some building which some people did'nt recognize as she is a bit different now ever since the fall.

She is in her room as she looks at a board which she made that is filled with pictures of three people that shows one is kaito , rin and you . She stare at your picture the most

Miku: y/n kun why you have to be like this so distant so attractive for out love

Miku licks her lips as look at your picture as she grabs it and holds closer to her

Miku: mmm after few attempts i been blocked by our love even though you try to save her..

Miku sits down as she looks at the picture of rin

Miku: so naive so innocent that little rin steal you away from me couple of times..

Miku keeps looking at the picture

Miku: you just had to seduce him from me..all i wanted him back but just keep him ..well

She slowly stands up and walk to the board as she smirks

Miku: you are and miku are destined to be together if he does not like it well i have to force him to be together with me and you and the rest will be history and will be forgotten,.

Miku puts your picture in her bag as she smirks more

Miku: but soon you and the others won't know what will hit you and you y/n kun will not know that soon you will be with me forever and ever~ and no one can stop me.

Miku laughs crazily as she makes a yandere smile

Miku: ohhh i am coming for you~!

Miku smirks even more.

Timeline skip

As after a while that you and the rest of the vocaloids members went to the cafe to rest for a while

Y/n: woah i can't believe that song boost up the rating

Rin: yeah i mean the collaboration is awesome

Kaito: i still can't believe how we even did that

Y/n: mmm well i think the fans love us i mean we all collab in this song.

Rin: yeah

Rin smiles and hugs your arm that you smile at her as she blushes

Y/n: so

Kaito: mm?

Y/n: what do we if it happens again.

Kaito: well me and rin are ready for anything

Rin: mhm i agreed with kaito san.

Y/n: well you two i will protect you guys .

Kaito: well don't worry y/n kun we got your back.

Rin: yeah so don't sweat it.

Y/n: i won't

They all chuckle a bit as you phone rang as you grab your phone to see it is detective halo

Y/n: oh is the detective.

You answer the call

Y/n: yes hello?

Halo: hey kid i got some new info

Y/n: what is it?

Halo: miku have been spotted around the vocaloid studio my men are on our way to get her .

Y/n: wait she is dangerous

Halo: yes she is look you three are going to a safe place ok.

Y/n: alright.

You ended the call

Kaito: who was that?

Y/n: that is detective he said they found miku around the vocaloid studio

Rin: what?!

Y/n: he say we have to head to a safe place

Kaito: well ok let's go to the safe place .

They all nodded as headed to find a safe place that did'nt they know that miku plan has begun .

the detective arrived at the scene where he look at the police arrest

Halo: alrighr miku your hunting days are over.

Halo slowly went towards to miku as he eyes widden

Halo: what the?!

It was a girl who dressed exactly like miku as a bit confused

Halo: what the heck...if this isn't miku than where is she?

The rest of them heading to your home .

Y/n: ok well at least she been arrested at least we are fine right?

Rin: yeah

kaito: well at least its all over.

They all enter your home as not knowing a figure been waiting

Y/n: well time to rest up

Rin: yeah

Kaito: mmm

???: why would you all want to rest up huh~?

Y/n: well because....wait..

Rin: that voice..

Kaito: it couldn' be..

They all turn around as see miku closing the door with a smirk

All: miku?!

Miku: hello~

To be continue.

Author note
Hey waddup guys its me here i hope you all enjoy this chapter more than i do so yeah i think that's it for today i am thenick5o and i will see you guys later peace out.

yandere cheater hatsune miku x male reader X Rin KagamineWhere stories live. Discover now