chapter 14

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Author p.o.v
You wake up from the long rest yesterday and see that tei was sleeping on your arm . You see her that she was so cute sleeping it reminds you of rin when she was trying to cheer you up

Y/n: hm cute

Until a door was open and you see it was kenji and the doctor was talking . They saw you were awake

Kenji: hey y/n

Y/n: hey kenji hello doctor

Doctor: hello y/n so today you will be walking out of this hospital

Y/n: yeah i am ready doc

Doctor: good i will handle with the paperwork once its done you may discharge

Y/n: ok

The doctor left while tei was sleeping and kenji wakes her gently

Kenji: tei wake up

Tei: hmmm oh hey good morning kenji ah y/n

Y/n: hey tei chan

Tei: how are you

Y/n: i am fine the doctor say he will finish the paperwork then i will discharge

kenji: good bro because i got some artist that want to do a collab with you

Y/n: really that will be awesome

Kenji: they will be arrive late so it get enough time to get you rest and practise your vocals

Y/n: ok got it

Tei: well anyway i have to go back to the studio i will see you soon ok y/n kun

Y/n: ok tei chan see you soon

Tei left and leaving you and kenji at the hospital

Kenji: hey y/n you don't mind that i wrote a song for you and the other artist to do

Y/n: really what is it?

Kenji: well its a rap song and it was inspired by the rap battle you against kaito. do you know that the character you did was none other than the doomguy

Y/n: yeah i know kenji that's why i know about games

Kenji: well i wrote a rap about him and the title is fight like hell

Y/n: hmm nice title i like it

Kenji: i knew you like it here are the lyrics

He gave you the lyrics and you see that the lyrics was cool

Y/n: alright bro this going to be epic

Kenji: yeah

Timeline skip 1 hour later

You have been discharge from the hospital and went to the utauloids studio with kenji and when you arrive you saw some artist that kenji told about

Cyber: hello everyone

They all looked at you and surprise that it was you

Kenji: they look so surprise

You saw a group of guys coming towards you and shake your hand

Shadow: hey the name is shadow

Cyber:  hey shadow pleasure to meet you

Blue: well hello cyber i am blue

Cyber: nice to meet you

Kronos: the name kronos and its nice to meet you cyber of the darkarts of rap

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