'bring her back to me'

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You had been standing in pandemonium for about 5 minutes with Izzy when you spotted a vampire

"Izzy" you said. Already walking towards the vampire. "Look, we found one".

Before you know it izzy has walked over to the vampire and dragged him into what looks to be a storage cupboard. You run after her and in to the room.

"Izzy, we''re trying not to make a scene, remember" you said giving Izzy a quick look. "Anyway, are you part of Camilles clan?"

The vampire looked up at you and spat. "Lovely" you said in a disgusted tone. "I'm going to take that as a yes, anyway. My name is (y/n). I'm the shadowhunter Camille has you all worked up about. I want you to pass a message on"

The vampire looked at you for a second before nodding his head.
"Okay". You said "tell Camille that I will trade myself for the cure, tell her to bring the cure here. Izzy can take it back to jace and I will go with her willingly. This is a one time offer and I will not go willingly again. I will wait here until 10pm and if she does not appear by 10 then I will take that as a no deal and I will start a war with the vampires".

"Do you understand" Izzy said.

The vampire nodded his head, then repeated the message and you let him go.

"Do you think that was the right idea letting him go?" Izzy said

"It was our only option, izzy. I just hope he does it" you said.

You and izzy were standing at the bar it was around 9:30 when the same vampire from earlier came and spoke to you.

"Camille has accepted your deal. She is outside" the vampire said.

Izzy quickly grabbed the vampire and you all walked outside. Camille was waiting on you at the entrance with 2 other vampires

"Well, I didn't expect to hear from you so soon (y/n)" she said giving you a wolfish grin.

"Yes you did" you said gritting your teeth. "It was all part of your plan, wond one of my friends with a poison only you had the cure to" you said.

"I suppose it was, your friends and loved ones are your weakness (y/n). That is your downfall" Camille said.

"Enough!" Izzy said. "Do you have the cure or not"

"Yes, I have the cure" Camille said pulling the cure out from her pocket.
"I hope you have good reflexes" and with that she flung the cure up in the air and it was the last thing you saw before you waking up in a room you had never been In before.

Izzys p.o.v.

I caught the cure but lost (y/n). God, I can't believe this. Izzy thought while running back to the institute. I hope this works, I hope this wasn't for nothing.

I opened the door of the institute to basically be tackled by Magnus.

"Where is she?" He said.

"Magnus, I'm sorry.. Camille has her. She traded herself for the cure" Izzy said.

You could see the pain and hurt on Magnus face. "Did she get the cure, was she successfull?" You heard brother Zachariah say. You nodded your head and handed it to him.
After he left mayrse and Alec came down the stairs. Alec rushed to magnus side.

"What's wrong, what's happened?" Alec asked.

"Its (y/n)" Izzy said.

Alec and mayrse both stopped what they were doing and stared at you.
"What about (y/n)" Alec asked.

"I'm not sure if you are aware or not. But jace wouldn't heal because he was infected with a specific type of poison" you stopped and thought for a moment about how you were going to explain this. "A specific type of poison that only one person had the antidote for. (Y/n) found out that it was Camille that had the antidote and she traded herself for it. She didn't want anyone to know because she didn't want anyone to stop her"

"She traded herself for the cure?" Mayrse said quietly.

"How could she do that, put herself at that much risk for a chance. A slim chance, how could she leave all of us, how could she leave me" Alec said tears threatening to spill.

"She done what any of us would. She saw a chance to save someone she cares for and she took it. She didn't leave you, alec. We will save her, I promise" Izzy said.

"Yes, she will be rescued" mayrse said and then walked towards the hospital wing.

"Magnus, we will bring her home" Izzy said.

Magnus got up and walked to the hospital wing with you and Alec following.

"Has it worked?" You asked brother Zachariah.

"Yes, his body seems to be responding to the cure" brother Zachariah said.

'Thank God. This wasn't all for nothing' you thought. You could see how relieved everyone was, even Magnus.

It was around 4am when the silent brother would allow you to see jace.
He was awake.

"Hey, jace" you said nervously.

"Hey iz" he said weakly. "I know you've probably been blaming yourself but I want you to know that it isn't your fault okay?"

You nodded your head. You knew he was going to ask about (y/n) soon. Everyone told you to tell him that she was fine, but you couldn't lie to him. Not about this.

"Wheres (y/n) izzy. I think I remember.. never mind, I just need to see her" jace said.

"The thing is jace, you were severely ill. You were dying and there was a cure but only one person had it"

"Tell me she didnt" jace said already guessing. You simply nodded your head and continued. "Camille was the only one who had the cure. So, (y/n) traded herself for it. She saw an opportunity to save you and she took it"  You said.

"Of all the stupid, reckless things. We need to save her, Izzy. She's just sacrificed herself for me" jace said trying to get out of bed. You pushed him back in bed.
"Jace, you'll be no use to us like that. You need to heal before you can help, you will end up just slowing us down or getting killed and then all of this will have been for nothing" you said.

Jace simply nodded
"Bring her home, iz. Bring her back to me"

"I intend to" you said.

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