The Wish

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I wish I was so lucky to be her. I wish we switched places. So that I would be unconscious, carefree, instead of her. She wouldn't care if I was in a coma. But I care too much. Typical.

I cared too much for my own good.

Please! I begged internally. God, if your there, please. I need her. If you're there, please send me a sign.

But, alas, it didn't change. She stayed in that coma, peacefully lying there with no troubles; totally carefree.

It stayed that way for weeks. I was starting to lose hope. Maybe, just maybe, she would come back to me.

Then, one fateful night, I got lucky. It was midnight, and I looked out the window nearby her bed, moping like I did so many nights. A shooting star flew across the sky, lighting up the dark with it. It was breathtaking. I was desperate. I took a chance.

Good thing I did.

I see her wake up again....Please.

And after months, after days and nights of praying and wishing, my wish finally came true. My eyes filled with tears of joy. Love flooded through my body. All because of a wish to a hydrogen filled ball of gas.

Her eyes fluttered open.

Okay, so it's Daisy! I finally finished this, and I'm going to do a sequel! So excited! And also, I'm fixing all of the mistakes! Okay, so look for a future Stampy and Sqaishey book!

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