Text 4 - Feelings

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--(y/n) pov--
Seven and I are currently at the shops. I walked around and believe it or not. I lost him.... I wondered around until I find a group of girls who attended Sky University. "Oh, hey (y/n)!"
One of the girls say waving she is signalling for me to come over. So I did.
"So (y/n) my name is Abby! This is Issay"
She points to the girl next to her. She also attends Sky university.
"Billy, jay jay and Nero."
She point to three guys behind her.
"Want to chill with us, we haven't had the time to talk to you because that blond hair prick keeps hogging you."
I felt myself getting nervous. I needed to get out of here.
"Um....I have to...."
The guy she pointed to called Nero swings his arm around me, he leaned down and whispered somethings in my ear.
"I'm single you know. I would love to get to know you."
He pulled me out of the supermarket with the rest of the group. I needed to find Seven. I needed to get out of here.
"So (y/n) what do you even see in Yoosung? I mean he bleached his hair and is obsessed with video games."
I wanted to run. I needed to get far away. Far far away. Seven, where is seven?
"Yoosung is just my friend. He helped me around on my first day at school and his in the same course as me."
Issay laughs. She also swings her arm around me. So I have Nero on the left and Issay on the right.
"You look cuter with Nero then Yoosung. That's for sure!"
She says while pulling her arm away. It was until I could spot Seven watching me from the chip Section. My face screamed help. I watched him place the chips down and start following us.
"Hey darling where are you looking?" Jay Jay comments. He saw Seven following us.
"Babeeeeeee you're mine!" Abby says soon after.
"And you're mine Babe." I wanted to vomit. This was so gross to me. We kept walking until we went to a cafe. Seven still following.
Nero leans close to my ear.
"Why is he following us?" I shrug my shoulders. I should be using this as an advantage to get away from seven. But. I really just want to be with him. My heart skipped a beat.
"Hey (y/n) want to come home with me?"
I had no choice. I can't decline.


I am now with Nero alone in his apartment. No one else was here. The other 4 dropped us here and left. I needed to message Seven and tell him to pick me up. I pull my phone out. Logging onto the chat room as Nero was making food.

----(u/n) joined the chat room----
Yoosung★: *shocked emoji*
(u/n): help I'm at some guys house called Nero. Some girls from Sky forced me to hang with them then dragged me to his house. I'm currently alone with this guy!!
707: address
Yoosung★: is it Abby and Issay. They have their ways on getting new people to date their friends outside of school!
(u/n): I don't know the address
707: ok, I'll be their in about half an hour.
----707 left the chat room----
Yoosung★: I've never seen Seven that worked up.
(u/n): hellp?

Nero walks in with popcorn. I was sitting on his couch. He dropped the popcorn. Launching himself on top of me. I was pinned down on his couch. A shock of confusion filled me. He started to push his body down on my. Leaning his head in, He licked my neck. Help? Someone? Seven, half and Hour is too long.
"Darling (y/n) let's be one together. Be mine."
My heart skipped a beat. How do I say no? What do I do?
"You're not answering? Do I need to please you before I get an answer?"
He started unbuttoning my shirt. What? I just met him? His unbuttoning my shirt. No, isn't this rape? I just met Nero. I hate him. Nero pressed his lips on mine after unbuttoning most of my shirt. My bra was still hidden. I tried to push him off me. It wasn't working. I'm too weak. He removed his mouth from mine.
"I saw you on the first day of Uni. You fell into that Yoosung guy. I watched you get close to him. I followed you around, I even knew were you lived. So. Stay with me."
I shake me head as he pushes his lips back onto mine. Forcing his tongue into my mouth. Knocking was heard from the front door. I stiffen up.
"Just ignore it, it would be sales people." Nero whispers in my ear. He licked the side of my check. No no no. I dont want this. Help me. Please? The knocking happened again.
"Ouch these sales people must want a deal. Just ignore them!" I heard a bang on the door. I froze. This is what happened with mom and dad. No no no. The sound of the door sqeaking open rang in my ears. Nero slowly lifted himself off me, grabbing the poker near his Fire place. I was trying my best not to cry. I can't lose my reputation to a pervert. A familiar was heard. It was Sevens. I signed in relief.
Seven asked in a questioning tone.
"You are mine. My property!"
Nero whispers at me. I'm not yours. I never want to be yours. Seven sprinted into the room with Yoosung behind him. Sevens eyes were staring Nero down as Yoosung stared at me. Half of my clothes were off and my hair was a mess. I saw Nero swing the poker at seven as seven pulled out a pocket knife and held it to Neros neck.
"Take her and run!"
Seven says to Yoosung. He did what he was told. Yoosung picks me up bridal style and sprints to the car. It was his bright red car like normal. Yoosung quickly opened the door to the back and threw me in.
"Stay here, right?"
I look Yoosung. Is seven all right? Does seven need help? Does he need me there? I can't lose him I need him! My heart skipped another beat. Why does my body do this when I think of Seven? I need to ask him later. I watched as Yoosung sprinted back to the apartment. I couldn't do anything, I felt hopeless. I wanted to cry. Well... I did. I waited what felt like forever. Seven sprinted out of the apartment with Yoosung close behind him. Behind both of them Nero followed. I ducked in the car. Hiding were you would normally your feet. I was invisible. That's what I told myself. Seven and Yoosung jumped into shoot gun and the drivers seat.
"Come on drive!" Yoosung shouts as Seven locks the door. I felt the car jolt.
"Hey Yoosung wheres (y/n)?" Yoosung looks behind worried. I rose from my hiding place.
"What happened?"
Seven asks in a questioning tone.
"Girls from my school called me over, started talking like I was dating Yoosung, shit talking him then they forced me to go to Neros house."
Yoosungs face lit up as Sevens looked pissed.
"He kissed you and tried to strip you down. Why would you let him?"
I shake my head. I didn't. Oh yeah I forgot to mention I have my seat belt on.
"Seven. He was on top of me. I had no control over myself. And do you mind if I do live with you?"
Yoosung looks behind at me while I heard Sevens laugh.
"Well he said he stalks me. And I don't want him to..."
"(y/n), the reason why I made it so you lived with me so he could stop stalking you."
I turn my head to the side. Um what? So he was looking out for me from the start.
"We all caught on except for you (y/n)"
Yoosung Claims. My phone was thrown at me. Judging were we were going it wasn't home. I logged back into the chat room to see what's happening.

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