Say You Will

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Stevie looks at the shocked look on Lindsey's face. She takes his hand and holds it. She says to him

  "I have an advanced stage type of lymphoma."

  "The doctors says my chances aren't good Linds, I'm taking this experimental chemo regulated by this mechanical pump."

  "I am hoping at my next checkup that the cancer will be shrunk but nobody knows for sure."

  Lindsey begins to cry and that in turn makes Stevie sob. Lindsey writes on his pad

  "I don't want to lose you Angel. I can't live without you!"

  Stevie responds in between sobs

  "I don't want to live without you either baby!"

  "Why did we waste so many years?"

  "I thought we had all the time in the world!"

Suddenly Stevie feels Lindsey's left hand close around hers. She cracks a smile and says

  "Lindsey your hand is working!"

  Lindsey smiles himself and squeezes her hand again. He writes on his notepad.

  "They have been giving me a new treatment associated with human growth hormones. It must be helping!"

  Stevie responds

  "That's amazing Lindsey, let me get your nurse!"

  Stevie jumps off Lindsey's bed and runs up the hall in her bare feet to the nurses station. She finds Karen talking with the charge nurse. She tells them

  "Something amazing has happened!"

  "Lindsey can use his left hand again!"

  Karen replies

  "Lets go see Lindsey and maybe you should put your shoes back on."

  Stevie looks at her feet and says

  "Woops I was exited!"

  Stevie leads the charge nurse and Karen to Lindsey's room. The nurse comes in and examines Lindsey. He can squeeze her hand with his and even move his arm a little. The nurse says

  "I'll leave a note for your doctor and I'll brief Judy when she comes in."

  "It's wonderful that your treatment is helping, I'll let you visit for a bit but you need some sleep Lindsey."

  The nurse leaves and Lindsey writes on his notepad

  "It's been so wonderful to see you Angel but you need your rest."

  "If your going to beat this thing, and I know you are, you need sleep whenever you can get it."

  "Message me when you can and when you come home I hope to be much more recovered. Then we can start the rest of our lives together!"

  "I will help you recover from this, you are going to live a long time...with me by your side!"

  Stevie places a soft kiss to Lindsey's lips then says

  "That is what I want too, I love you Lindsey so much!"

  Lindsey smiles and says with his words very slowly

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