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....loving him is like trying to change your mind once you're already flying through the free fall....

okay, maybe it wasn't hate. tyler could never hate anybody, especially somebody that loved and cared for him in a different manner than everybody else. brendon was his angel, and tyler didn't understand why he could function so well without him right by his side.
there goes the front bell again.
walking towards the front, he saw the same blue-haired man, and watched him walk over to the counter.
"you've worked here for a long time, right?" the man's voice was smooth and deep, like a C-Major.
"yes, sir."
"you know the other guy?"
tyler flinched, and the man noticed, but continued.
"where is he?" he tilted his head to the side, and the moment tyler opened his mouth, it all rushed out.
"h-he's dead. he died." tyler felt his tears streaming down his face, and nearly choked on his sobs as the stranger panicked.
"dude, i'm so-"
"it's okay, it's okay. i'm okay, no harm. gosh, i fucking miss him." tyler rested his head in the palms of his hands, and the stranger cleared his throat.
"were you guys really close?" the stranger asked, and tyler looked up, straight into the man's eyes. his pink lips caught tyler's attention for a split second, then he lost interest.
"we were engaged. going to get married in three w-weeks." tyler's voice cracked, and saw the stranger look at his hand.
"no wonder." he said.
"that's why the store wasn't opened on sunday."
tyler shivered, before toying with his golden ringband.

"because sundays are my suicide days."

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