Rachel Elizabeth Dare

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I paced feverishly across the cold floor of the Poseidon Cabin; my ADHD brain racing. After my last Iris message with Rachel Elizabeth Dare (our new and improved oracle) I prayed to the old gods and the new that she would reach camp in one piece. The last thing we needed was to lose our oracle, our bread and butter.

I still felt pretty shaken after the talk with Annabeth; mostly out of anger than out of fear. I can’t believe she kept me in the dark about the lunar eclipse and the whole Roman-Greek transformation. I mean, she entrusted Rachel and Clarisse of all people but not her own boyfriend? How am I supposed to continue trusting her to watch my back in battle after the huge secret she’s kept from me?  Did she think that I would break down crying from the utter prospect of world destruction? Hello? We’re talking about the extremely brave and handsome Percy Jackson over here. Flips hair. Okay I have got to stop watching Korean dramas with Grover in the game room. It’s starting to rub off on me.

Okay maybe I’m not actually mad at her but it does sting a little. After all that we’ve been through, I wish she’d have a little bit more faith in my abilities. In a sense, a small part of me understood that she did what she did to protect me; to savor me a last little bit of happiness. She kept me out of the loop so I could continue living my carefree life for just a bit longer even if it meant she had to lie through her teeth. She was the best thing that ever happened to me, the best girlfriend I could ever ask for.

 After all the pain and chaos from last summer, I don’t much fancy fighting another Titan’s war and risk losing those I so fiercely love, especially Annabeth. Over the last five years, I’ve learned to accept the fact that I was born a marked man, destined to live a hard life. But sometimes, I wished I was never brought into this whole mess. In a far distant corner of my mind, I imagined playing football with my dad; a normal, mortal dad. I imagined going on romantic dates with Annabeth and getting to spend time with my friends without having to fear for incoming monster attacks. I signed and shook my head disapprovingly. Only foolish men dwell on dreams. And I, Percy am neither foolish nor a man.

 “Percy, my gods, please stop pacing.” Annabeth scolded, “You’re making everyone nervous.”

Before I could muster as much as a protest, Rachel ran through the door as fast as any Pegasus. She pulled me into a passionate hug but quickly let go at the sight of Annabeth’s questioning look. I could feel the color rising from my face. Awwwkward!

“Come on seaweed brain, Thalia and the hunters are bound to arrive soon and we don’t want to keep them waiting.” Annabeth said in a sweet voice. Her eyes looked cold and murderous.  She left the room angrily without acknowledging Rachel’s presence.

“C’mon Rachel, we better get going. You know how uh, violent Thalia gets. We don’t need any more deaths.” Rachel nodded and together, we head off toward the big house.

Naturally, we were greeted by a couple of nervous campers, a frustrated Thalia and an angry Annabeth.

“Rachel” Thalia gave her a curt nod and gestured for me to sit with the other head counselors. “Tell us what you know.”

Rachel looked around uncomfortably and took a deep breath. “Two days ago, the spirit of Delphi spoke to me about an Olympus crisis, I take this is why we’re here. twelve magic items have been stolen from the Olympians on the day of Lord Hade’s 3589th birthday celebration on mount Olympus.”

“Wait a minute, shouldn’t there have been 14 magic items in total including Hades and Hestia’s?” Conner Stoll interrupted. When it came to thieving, a son of Hermes is considered something of a professional.

“That’s what I was thinking.” Rachel responded, “until I found out that Hestia didn’t even attend the celebration because of some old grudge she has against Hades two thousand years ago. Hera was the only one who managed to hang on to her Diadem. Well to be fair, it was kinda impossible to steal since she was wearing it the whole time. The rest of the Olympians suspect Hera but are keeping their mouth shut out of respect to Zeus.”

“But the gods are forbidden to steal another’s magic item directly which means she must have gotten a hero to do the dirty job for her.” Drew, the new Aphrodite head counselor pitched in.

“But Hera doesn’t even have any demi-god children. Who in their right mind who do something so dangerous for her?”  Annabeth said in a small voice. She was probably thinking about Luke again.

I knew right then and there that I couldn’t keep the contents of last night’s dream hushed up any longer. “Guys, I had this weird dream the night before that I was locked up in a celestial bronze prison. The place felt old and protected by strong enchantments. It was like Circe’s island all over again.” I looked towards Annabeth. The smallest flicker of a smile illuminated her face. We both remembered what happened the last time we pissed off a magical lady. Living the hamster thug life was hard; you could barely even stretch your legs.

“Anyways, “I rushed on, “Hera showed her ugly face a couple hours later alongside a boy I’ve never met before. She was threatening to kill me and went on and on about how she was going to help Kronos return to power and avenge the other gods in return for respect and power. The funny thing is, the kid beside her was definitely a di-immortal. Blond hair, blue eyes; he had a powerful look.” I finished, frowning slightly.

“Percy, did you catch his name?” Thalia asked tensely, her face had turned pale.

“Umm, I think his name was Jason.” My eyebrows were scrunched up together as I tried to remember his full name. But before my memory could kick in, the sound of a fallen bow-and-arrow ran through the room. . 

“Perseus Jackson, Jason Grace would never- he would never agree to the plans of that filthy woman. Do not taint his innocence with your unworthy tough.” Thalia screamed in agony and charged at me with Ageis and her celestial bronze blade. Luckily, Chiron put himself between the two of us before things could get heated.

“Gods Thalia, are you out of your mind? What is going on?” The back of neck had broken out in cold sweat.

 “Percy, you don’t understand; Jason Grace is my younger brother.” Thalia said with a small sob. “Hera took him away from me and my mother fifteen years ago; heck, he doesn’t even know that I exist.”

The entire room fell silent. Even Chiron was speechless. Eventually, after a few moments of shocked silence, the Stoll brothers opened their mouths and tried to comfort the daughter of Zeus.

“Thalia, Travis and I know how you feel. Four years ago, when Luke fell under the curse of Kronos, we thought that he was beyond help; instead, he died a hero’s death.” Conner said quietly. He lent Thalia a hand and pulled her up on her feet.

“Miss Dare, I think it’s time for these heroes to hear the next Great Prophecy.” Chiron turned to Rachel and gave her a stiff little nod.

Rachel sighed and closed her eyes. The room gradually filled with a dark green mist and an ancient voice spoke through Rachel.

“Hunters and demigods shall join hand in hand as 13 brave heroes travel across the land.

On your quest to find each magic item; the faith of the Golden Age falls under your command.

Set off at once to the remains of Daedalus’s labyrinth within camp; but I must warn you beforehand.

Bear in mind your true intentions at heart for almost nothing will go according as planned. ”

“Well, ten of us are going to die within the next nineteen days.” Nico di Angelo said darkly as he broke the drenched silence.

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