Chapter 4

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-mingyu's pov-

It's 8pm now. And for the past few hours, the same thing has been bugging my mind. Right now, Wonwoo hyung and I are lying down on our bed. He's using his phone, while I just stare at the ceiling. I took the bed on the top, 'cos I want to. I sighed loudly. 

"What's wrong?" Wonwoo hyung asked and I snapped out of my thoughts. "Are you seriously gonna hit on her?" I asked. Yes, that has been bugging me since a few hours ago. "Maybe?" He replied. "But why?" I asked in an annoyed tone. "I don't know. She's cute." Then I sat up. "But why her?" I asked, not getting why her. "Why? Are you jealous?" He chuckled. 

I jumped down. "Me? Jealous? Fuck no! She's just really annoying." I explained. "Then what does it has to do with me hitting on her?" "Everything! Because I know that you will bring her into our room and I will get annoyed by her and stuffs." I said as I said on the floor. "Then I can go to her room then." He smirked. What? "Erm.. You'll be disturbing her roommate then." I shot back. "Someone's jealous." He raised his eyebrows at me.

"I'm not jealous!" I shouted, my hands up in the air. "I didn't said that it was you." He laughed. "So if you're not jealous, I'll hit on her then." He continued. "No no! Why her?!" I pouted. "Because she's funny and cute? I told you that already." He said. "Is she the junior you said that she's cute?" I asked, but he shook his head. 

"It was her friend." He said. "Then why hit on her, you can hit on her friend!" Why am I trying to stop him from hitting on her. "Hey, I may think her friend is cute, but it doesn't mean that I must hit on her. I think Sangmi is really hilarious and I like it." He said, looking at me. "You don't make sense." I said under my breath. "So do you." And I kept quiet. 

"Look, if anything happens, it's me dating her, not you." I felt my blood boil at that sentence. "Whatever. I'm heading out." I said as I took my phone and my wallet and walked towards the door. I opened the door, and at the same time, I saw a door opposite me opening too. "I'll be back soon!" I heard her say. Sangmi. She turned her head to the front. Right now, we're just staring at each other. 

"Okay, seriously? If you're here to get back at what I did earlier. I'm sorry, are you happy now?" She rolled her eyes. "Who said I wanted your apology? I just came out because I wanted to. Now if you would mind your own business." I said and walked away. 

-sangmi's pov-

What the actual fuck? I was minding my own business, until I saw him. I rolled my eyes and walked towards his direction. He stopped walking abruptly, so did I. I mean I am like directly behind him. "So you're following me now?" Erm what? "Excuse me?" I said in a bitchy tone. "You're excused." He replied sassily. I looked at him in disbelief. I rolled my eyes and walked past him. 

Hyuna and I actually need to do some grocery shopping, which is why I am out now. Hyuna? She's too lazy to tag along, so I have to go alone. So, I have to back at the dorms before 10pm. I looked at my phone and it's 8:20pm right now. Great. I walked out of the building, damn. No one told me that it would be this cold at night. I'm wearing like really thin clothes right now. I shivered as the cold air touched my skin. Might as well, just go to the grocery store right now, and get it done and over. 

After spending 30 minutes in the grocery store, I walked back to the dorm building, which was 15 minutes away. I only bought like some fruits, instant noodles and eggs. Don't think we'll be cooking a lot. 

When I was walking back to the building, I felt someone following behind me. So obviously, I quicken my pace, hoping to reach there soon. But like, I only started walking 2 minutes ago. I cussed under my breath. Each time I quicken my pace, I hear the footsteps coming nearer and nearer to me. Gosh. What do I do now... Should I look back? No, I shouldn't. It'll slow me down. 

Then suddenly, someone held onto my shoulder. I screamed and dropped the grocery bags. Oh my god! The eggs are broken! Which made me scream louder. But my screams are soon muffled by a hand. "Oh my god. Shut the fuck up." A voice said, which made my hair stand. I kept quiet straight away. "Now if you don't mind.." He said and was about to pull me, when someone hit him. 

"Ah!" I screamed. I turned behind and saw a tall boy beating up another man. I covered my mouth straight away. I felt my legs turn jelly as tears are forming up my eyes. Flashbacks are coming back into my mind. 


I was 14 when I saw a group of man with tattoos, beating my father up into a pulp, in my house. I knew that I have to do something, but I didn't know what to do. I just stood there, watching my father being beaten up. I cried and cried. When I could't take it anymore, I ran to the group of man and started pushing them away from my father. But, being a fragile 14 year old girl, I got pushed away by them. 

"Stop!" The leader shouted, making the group of man look back at their leader. Then the leader walked towards me and grabbed my chin. "Your daughter has a pretty face." He smirked and turn to my father. "It's either your life, or I'll take your daughter with me." He laughed as he turned back to me. He leaned in closer as I backed away. At this time, I was already crying out really badly. 

"My life! My life! You can take away my life! But do not touch my daughter!" My father shouted out. "No!" I screamed. "Listen to me! Daddy loves you okay?" He shouted. I wanted to run to my father, but the leader was pulling me back, making me unable to move. He put up his hand and they continued beating my father up. "You should know why your father is in this situation." He smirked at me, then laughed like a witch. 

I cried and cried, when suddenly, I heard a gun being shot. I stopped crying and looked at my father. He.. He has been shot.. When the gun shot was made, all of them ran out of my house, leaving me and my father alone. I ran to my father and cried. He's gone now.. He's dead..


I snapped back to reality, and looked at the situation in front of me. I pulled the tall boy away from the man. Kim Mingyu. He was panting like hell. I looked away from him, and looked at the man. He was beaten up really badly. He suddenly grabbed my hand, making me shout in shock. Mingyu was about to hit him again, when I stopped him. And struggled out of his touch. Then, I walked away from them.

-mingyu's pov-

I gave the man one last punch and ran after her. I pulled her wrist, turning her to me. I looked at her face, to find tears running down her face. I gasped. "Why are you crying?" I asked, in a panic tone. Unknowingly, my hands cupped her cheek, and wiped the tears that are falling, away. 

She lowered her head, making my hands fall out of her cheeks. She shook her head and walked back to the dorm, empty-handed. 

Did I do anything wrong?



My final exams are coming up soon, so I'll try my best to update as fast as I can. If i don't, don't worry, I will only end this fanfic when it's done (:

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