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-sangmi's pov-

I panted heavily as we broke from the heated kiss. "I love you.." He whispered, resting our foreheads together.

I just gave him a smile.

-the last day-

-mingyu's pov-

It was 2:30pm in the afternoon. I woke up at 9am even though I'm supposed to be meeting Sangmi at 4pm. But I couldn't sleep well either. I was nervous about Sangmi's answer. What if she rejected me? What will happen after that? Do I let her go, or continue wooing her?

No, I will continue wooing her if that's the case. But what if she says yes? Oh my god, please let her say yes.

I kept walking around the dorm, feeling nervous as ever. Until Wonwoo hyung shouted at me in annoyance. "Oh my god. Can you just sit down? Why are you so restless?" Then I turned to him, to see him reading a new book.

I sighed and sat next to Wonwoo hyung. "Hyung. It's today. Today is the day where she might say yes or no to me. I'm scared." I pouted. "Come on, I know she won't say no." He reassured me, patting me on the back. "How would you know?" I raised a brow. He shrugged his shoulders, adverting his attention back to his book.

"Did she tell you anything about giving me a chance?" I asked with high hopes, shaking him left and right. "Mingyu, I haven't talk to her about this." He sighed. He's so annoyed right now. "But hyung.." I whined cutely. "Mingyu, no." He said firmly. I sighed and look at the clock. It's almost 3pm.

Great, there's an hour left. I wonder how she's feeling right now. But most of all..

What will her answer be?

-sangmi's pov-

I looked at the clock. Shit. An hour left. I cried internally and jumped on top of Hyuna, whom lying down on her bed. "YAH! GET OFF ME YOU BITCH!" She pushed me off her bed, making me fall from the bunk bed.

"OW!" I groaned in pain. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" She climbed down from her bed and took a look at me. "Thank you so much. Do I have an excuse for not going the date now?" I asked with puppy eyes. "No. And when you come back from the date, you better not be single. Or.." She paused, holding up her slippers. Not the slippers bitch.

"But what if I said no?" I asked with a smirk. "Oh, you wouldn't. You told me you would say yes yesterday." "You never know I can change my mind already- oW!" Yes, I got hit in the head by her slippers for saying that.

"Whatever you say girlfriend. You're gonna get ready now, or you'll start crying for not putting enough effort for you outfit today." Damn she right.

45 minutes have passed, and I was finally done doing my make up and choosing my outfit. I didn't wear much make up though, he told me to go casual today. (here's how the outfit looked like)

 (here's how the outfit looked like)

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