Chapter 5

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-sangmi's pov-

I woke up to the alarm ringing loudly, into my ears. I groaned as I opened my eyes and saw a familiar face right in front of my eyes. Hyuna. I slapped her face. "Yah. Go away, I'm tired." I mumbled as I rolled my body to the other side of my bed. I heard her giggled. "But, you still have to get up, we still have school for the next 3 days." She said. Ugh. It's only Tuesday. 

"Mm.." I replied lazily. She sighed and pulled me out of bed, causing me to fall on the ground, making me 90% awake right now. "Fine.. What time is it?" I asked. "8am. We have lessons at 9, so go prepare now." She said, exactly like my mother. I rolled my eyes. I stood up, took my towel, my undergarments and my clothes. Then went into the toilet. 

I rubbed my eyes, as I looked at myself in the mirror. What the heck?! Why are my eyes so puffy?! And why didn't Hyuna tell me about it?! Maybe, she just doesn't want me to be sad again.. I sighed as I remembered what happened last night. "Appa.." I mumbled to myself, as I looked at the bracelet he gave me. I kissed it and went to shower. 

I walked out of my shower, feeling fresh and less shittier. Then I smelllllllllllll JOHN CENA!!! Okay, just joking. I smelt a really aromatic smell coming from the kitchen. I smiled like an idiot, knowing what it is. "PANCAKES!!!" I dropped my towel to the ground and jumped on Hyuna's back like a child. "Thank you!" I said as I kissed her cheeks. By the way, it's normal for us to do there. No homo.

I got down from her back, and sat on the diner's chair. Oh! Did I tell you? Hyuna's a great cook! One of the reason why I chose her to be my roommate. Hehe. Hyuna sat down in front of me, and we started eating. I was eating happily, until I noticed that she was looking at me weirdly. So, I stared at her too. 

"What?" I asked, my mouth full of food. She shook her head. "No seriously, why are you staring at me like that?" I asked, while swallowing my food. She sighed loudly. "What happened last night?" She asked me hesitantly. I widened my eyes, shocked. "What?" I asked, acting confused, which failed horribly, because I can't act. 

"Okay, so I came up a list of why did you cry last night. First, there isn't the food that you want at the store. Secondly, you saw a cute puppy on the way there, so you got emotional and cried all the way. Thirdly, you might saw your ex. Wait, I forgot, you have no ex." She said and I chuckled. "Okay, lastly. Did someone fight in front of you?"I just looked at her. She sighed, nodding her head. Yeah. She understands what I meant by that. 

"Don't wanna talk about-" "Nope." "Alright no." She kept quiet and ate her pancakes. "But-" "Nope." I laughed. "Fine." She pouted. "Maybe tonight. I don't really have the mood now." I said and she nodded. "But, is it really obvious that I cried last night?" I asked, worried about my eyebags. She nodded again. I sighed. "What am I gonna do now..." I asked, a little panicky. "Make up!" She exclaimed enthusiastically, and I gave her a death glare. "I hate-" Make up, yeah I know." And we laughed. 

After we finished eating our breakfast, it was around 835am. So we walked out of our dorms, with our bags. We went to our friend's doors and knocked. Then, they came out, so the 6 of us, walked to school together.

It was only a 5 minutes walk to school, but since we were messing around, we took almost 15 minutes to arrive school. We didn't speak about anything in particular, we just joked around, here and there. 

When we entered the class, everyone was staring at us, including the teacher. Wait. THAT TEACHER?! Isn't that the discipline mistress? We looked at her, horrified. Then I looked at the clock. It's 910am. "We're 10 minutes late." I said, trying to not make it as obvious as possible. "NO TALKING, THE GIRL OVER THERE!" She shouted, pointing at me. 

I knew she was pointing at me, it was so accurate. But I decided to play it cool. Honestly, I don't know how is this playing it cool, it's kinda a bad move. I turned behind and looked at her again. "Me?" I acted dumb. She widened her eyes, making her look scarier. What the fuck, I swear, if she's a dog, she'd be a chihuahua. Her eyes are about to drop, istg. 

"Yes, YOU!" Her voice cracked. I could see my squad trying their best not to laugh, I'm also trying not to laugh. But Yerin, couldn't take it anymore, so she laughed out loud. And we followed her, laughing really loudly. The class was filled with the 6 different types of laughter. From the side of my eyes, I could see her getting really furious. "GET OUT! THE SIX OF YOU!" She shouted, and we had no choice, but to leave the classroom.

We still couldn't stop laughing. Then, suddenly, there was a loud thud, and out the chihuahua came. Then she started nagging at us, saying how we shouldn't disrespect our teacher, and that this is our second time being late and disrespecting her. "Due to this, all 6 of you, deserves a lunch and after school detention!" Her voice boombarded the hallway. 

"But, it's only our second day of school." Haeun spoke up, which had me taken aback. Oh my gosh. We have chose the right person to join our squad. I was so proud, so I started smiling. "You again! What are you smiling at?!" She pointed at me. And made another funeral speech about how we shouldn't be thinking about other things when she's talking. Slowly, all of us were getting really annoyed, so we just stared into blank space, while she was nagging at us. 

-fast forward-

The bell rang and I sighed in relief. Holy shit. I can't believe every Tuesday morning, I have to see that crazy bitch's face for 3 hours. Why the heck is she our Maths teacher. Actually, the 6 of us, decided to skip lunch detention. I mean like, what the fuck. We need to eat. We were about to run out of class, when she called us out. We groaned in frustration, as we hesitantly looked at her. "Detention." She said, looking at us, fiercely. I rolled my eyes.

So, we ended up walking to the detention room, with that crazy bitch. By the way, her name is Ms Lee. But, why call her Ms Lee, when she's a crazy dog. When we settled down in the class, Yerin asked. "Will we be having lunch after this?" Oh my god.. Why is she so dumb. "It's called lunch detention for a reason." She said sassily as she closed the door behind her, and locked it. What do she think we are? Her dogs or something?

I sighed and looked around the detention room, to find, not just us in the room. I saw a boy near the window, his head was on the table, so I couldn't tell who it was. "Yah." I whispered. And my friends turned to me. "Do you think that boy would be a hottie?" I asked, smiling sheepishly, as I pointed at the guy. They shrugged their shoulders. "Only one way to find out." Hyuna smirked. And I know exactly what she meant. 

Gayoon took out her lecture pad and gave it to Hyuna. She raised her hands. "I'm not throwing it." She said, looking at us. "Not me either." Yerin and I said in unison. I looked at Haeun. "What makes you think I'd do-" Before she finished her sentence, Eunji teared out a paper, she immediately crumpled it and threw it at the guy's head. 

Then we all turned away from him, acting as if nothing happened. He looked up and... KIM MINGYU?! My heart started thumping faster and faster. Okay, istg. I fought with him like 100 times yesterday, but why I am so nervous, just looking at him. I can feel my cheeks becoming hotter and hotter as seconds passes by. Then, suddenly, his eyes landed on me, making me choke on my saliva. 

"Yah! What the heck! Is he that hot?" Gayoon asked worriedly. WHAT?! "DIDN'T YOU SEE HIM? HE'S HOT." I blurted out. Oh shit. "Oh Sangmi." Suddenly, his voice is right behind me, sending chills down my spine. I looked up at him. I smiled awkwardly. "Mingyu." My voice became deeper, so did my neck. 

Right now, I was hiding my face, even though I know it's stupid, because he knows me.  "Did you just said that I'm hot?" He spoke, making me look at him. Then he suddenly winked at me, making me blush. "N-no!" I shouted, in a panicky tone. "Good. Because I'm not interested in you." He rolled his eyes, making my jaw drop. "Who said I'm interested in you?" I scoffed. "My instinct." He said, looking right into my eyes. My friends are here.

Then he started leaning closer to me, making me back away. 'Excuse me, rude child! My friends are here!' I said in my head. I don't know why am I not able to say anything, I just can't speak. Then I pushed him away. "I'm seriously not interested in you though! I would rather take interest in Wonwoo sunbae than you." I raised my voice. 

That's kinda a lie. Because first of all, Mingyu is hot af. But so is Jeon Wonwoo. 

He just rolled his eyes and walked back to his seat.

Okay. That was weird af. 

I sat down and saw my friends grinning at me, like some pervertic psychopath. Oh gosh.. Here goes the endless teasing.


okay, tbh i have no idea where am i getting with this. It's so shitty. And my exams are next week, so i'll stop updating for awhile. I think. Sorryyy ):

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