Chapter twenty-seven

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A/N: hELL0 my dear Kn8tters, so sorry for delayed updates, just been going through a lot lately. Anyway hope you enjoy this chapter, i had so much fun writing it. We should totally make out a name for our power couple,

"#Brendy" or "#Manden"?

feel free to comment with any other suggestions, lets make it happen. xx

I've always thought that it's impossible to lose and abandon your wolf instincts and being. Like I've always imagined it to be something that's a part of you and engraved into your DNA, literally, and you just can't lose it. I'm still yet to establish how far true it is, because right now I'm completely wasted, the drunkest I've ever been and I feel as though my wolf is a thousand miles out of reach. If anything, it feels like I'm human all over again, not saying I'm not human, but like completely human; 26 chromosomes, all that. My smelling is off, my sight is super bad, worse that the average human one actually, and my movements are all over the place, sloppy as hell, it's as if I've lost all basic knowledge of coordination. And as the realisation sinks in, I realise how much I've missed this part of being a non-wolf. I missed not seeing things before my eyes looks, not hearing things out of ear shot, not carefully navigating my way through anything, even with my eyes closed at times, all that. A part of me wanted to experience that feeling and as odd and unbelievable as this may sound, regardless of my drunken state, I feel phenomenal. It's not just every day I get to feel like this, and if getting intoxicated is the answer then why not get more, and besides, I'm a lightweight, what doesn't get someone else drunk, knocks me out, all the more great for me!

I make my way to the kitchen and pour myself a shot of tequila, but just as I'm about to chug it down, I decide to pour a bit of water in it. Turning around to lean against the island counter, I slide in like a millisecond and fall to the floor and I feel a rather unsoothing pain from my ass down to my thigh, and it feels numb. It feels as though the floor is mad of hard, solid rock. As I'm wincing and mumbling a series of curses in a slur, I hear someone chuckling from behind the counter. Realising I can't turn my head and see who it is, and not quite feeling like standing up again, I decide to ignore the person. Most of my drink spilled onto my camisole; thank goodness it's not a shear top as I'm sure my boobs would be clearly visible now. Just as I'm contemplating finally getting up, I feel someone sit beside me, and my eyes shot open. I turn my head to see a blonde guy, with part of his hair falling over onto his face, almost reaching his gray eyes, or is it blue? Opening my eyes a tad wider to see properly I decide they're gray. I see his lips moving but because I'm so concentrated on deciding his eye colour, I can't hear a thing he's saying.

"Sweetheart, can you hear me" he asks in an accent which I can't make out whether it's British, Irish, English or maybe...Scottish? I really can't decide with my mind spinning all round.

"Hello, is anybody home there" he speaks again

Definitely English. My sight becomes a bit better and I look at his face. He's got a pretty face, a beautiful one at that, with soft features, a gentle smile and eyes that can light up a dark room. I guess this is the definition of a cute boy. My eyes go over his face once more and I spot a ring on his bottom lip, and two more studs on his right temple, just beside his eyes. The metal roughens up his image a bit and gives it a bit of a, might I say masculine touch.

"Yes" I say whilst still gazing at him in wonder, I imagine I look like a toddler looking at a talking bear.

"Yes what?" he asks his English accent a bit thicker

"Somebody is home" I grin and laugh at myself.

We talk for a while, meaningless chit chat, small talk that I'm sure I won't even be able to remember tomorrow, as I can hardly recall it as soon as the words part from my lips.

"You're quite chatty, chatty chatter. Is there even such a word?" I slur

"Does it really matter, if you want to say it, say it. I know that's one more word to my vocabulary" he chuckles and grins

A song with a really loud bass starts playing and everyone goes bezerk screaming and chanting and suddenly I get into dancing mode.

"This is a really good song" he shouts

"Sounds so, let's dance" I say in an instant and jump onto the island counter and start rocking my hips from side to side sloppily. Seems my coordination is back.

"Come dance with me" I shout to him, and in an instant he's there with me, and I'm grinding against him. My butt directing grinding against his groin. After a moment I feel him get into the moment as he gets his hands onto my waist and because my camisole has the length of a crop top, his hands are directly onto my skin, and I feel them dig deep, his nails leaving little marks, but oddly I'm not even turned on, and neither is he from my judgement, I mean he's not hard and I'm not wet, isn't it how it's supposed to go down? But anyway because I'm so drunk, I don't really care, because I'm having a good time, with this cute guy with an English accent, Chitty Chatter. What's his name? Did he even mention it, did I forget?

As the bass gets lower, we grind going lower as well, still my back against him, and just when the song's about to end, I turn around and look at his lips, which are really, really nice looking by the way.

"You're quite the tease" I say quite an inch away from him and I feel his hands tighten a bit around my waist.

"You asked for it darling" he says and bridges the gap between our lips and gives me a light kiss, which initiated a longer, deeper one, oddly I don't feel a thing, probably because I'm really drunk.

"Tell me your name" I whisper into his ear "I'd feel bad if I don't take home at least your name from this"

I sense his hesitation.

"You don't want me feeling like a slut now do you" I whine incessantly teasingly.

He laughs for a bit, a deep one, which is evident of his deep voice, and then I realise that his accent isn't so English anymore, or maybe it's just my mind playing tricks on me, I don't really know.

"So what's your name....Chitty Chatter" I feign an English accent

"Brick" he says in a more American accent, and laughs a bit, presumably at my lame attempt at an English accent

"Brick" I say in a low voice, as if I'm missing something

Then suddenly I feel someone's presence. I turn my head and spot a guy in a plaid casual shirt and jeans, as my eyes dart up to his face, I slowly get to realise who it is, as the feeling of familiarity gradually kicks in.

Brown-golden hair

Navy eyes

My vision clears up a bit, and my lips automatically say it out loud as my mind also finally decides who it is, thinking out loud I guess

"Brendan" I mutter, but audible enough.

PS: please vote if you enjoyed this chapter, by a simple click on the golden star, and comment for the desired choice of name for a power couple.


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