Chapter 1: Sleepless Nights

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It was about 1 a.m. I was laying in bed attempting to lull myself to sleep. I could hear the pattering of rain on my window pane, and could smell the moisture in the air. I was finally beginning to doze when I heard the deafening echo of thunder. I ignored it with a groan and began trying to sleep again. I was half asleep when I suddenly heard a crash come from downstairs. My eyes shot open, 'Did a window just break? I initially thought. I then immediately panicked thinking 'Was someone in the house?'

I took a deep breath and sat up, I quietly crept to the light switch in my room and turned it on. I looked around my room analysing my surroundings to see if I had a feasible weapon around 'Just in case' I thought. I saw an old tennis racket sitting beside my wardrobe door. I swiftly made my way over to it and grabbed it. 'If someone is in the house should I turn on the lights? If I do will they attack me?' I worried. I decided I would keep the lights off so they would think no one was home and if someone was in the house then I would call the police. 

I began creeping to my room door, I quietly opened it keeping a very close eye on the surroundings. I tip toed past the bathroom, peeking in making sure it was as it was when I went to sleep. I then began making my way to the stairs when I heard a squeak come from the guest bedroom downstairs. 'Was that a person or an animal? Well you don't have any pets and you just did pest control so it shouldn't be a rodent'

I then sneak down to the landing on the stairs, I look around and immediately see that the back door is open. I reach to my pocket when I realised that my phone was in my room. I was going to try to slip into the kitchen and use that phone when I see a shadow beginning to emerge from the guest bedroom.

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