Chapter 4: Investigating

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We walked out of my room and we turned on every light switch we passed so we were not in the dark. We went to the guest bedroom first as that is the one place I know for certain that the intruder was in. 

"Can you see anything immediately that's missing?"  asked Officer Davidson.

"Not as far as I can tell."

"Is there anything valuable in this room?" questioned Officer Hale.

"Only really that mirror" I replied pointing to the large mirror hanging on the wall "But it doesn't look like its been touched."

We then exited the guest bedroom and repeated the same procedure in every room, but nothing was missing or out of place. 

"I saw the back door wide open when I cam e downstairs" I reminded

We walked over to the back door. We could see rain puddles just inside the door frame. There were a couple of leaves blown in from the wind also.

"Did you hear any footsteps at all?" Officer Hale asked with a confused look on his face.

"No, why?"

"Because Malorie there are no footprints anywhere in this house" explained Officer Hale.

"Isn't that normal?"

"No. We should have at the very least seen some water tracked in because of the rain and puddles." Officer Davidson attempted to explain calmly, although his face was clearly distraught whilst Officer Hale was very alarmed now.

"What's wrong with you two? Why are worried? Is someone still in the house or something?" I questioned very confused and almost frustrated as I didn't understand what was wrong.

Officer Hale said not to worry although he was clearly still very anxious. Officer Davidson grabbed his walkie talkie "It's a 294, we need a safe house" he whispered the last part but I still heard it.

"What the hell is going on!" I screamed in panic "Why do we need a safe house and what is a 294!"

"Malorie please calm down, we will explain everything at the safe house." said Officer Davidson slightly more calm than earlier.

"Let's pack some stuff for you and then we'll leave okay?" 

"Okay." I replied hesitantly.

They went with me as I collected four days worth of clothes, my cellphone, some toiletries and anything else I thought I may need 'What the hell is this safe house? Why can't they tell me why we're going there now? What is happening?' .

We got in the police car where there was a third officer. 

"I'm Officer Guine." he said as he extended his hand to me.

"Malorie." I replied as i shook his hand.

We set off to the safe house.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2016 ⏰

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