Chapter 2: Intruder

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I see the shadow growing and try to think of the quickest place I can hide. I quickly but stealthily move into the bathroom. I reach the bathroom, I considered locking the door but then I realised that if I did that the intruder would hear it. I didn't lock or close the door as it would make to much noise, I simply hid behind the door. 

I watched through the gap between the door frame and the actual door to see as best I could where the intruder was. I couldn't see much as it was dark and the light from the moon alone was not enough for me to see a face only a figure and shadow. I watched the figure pass the bathroom, I hold my breath until I can no longer see it. I softly exhale and breathe normally.

 I peered around the door and saw no one. I stayed silent wondering if the intruder had perhaps left. I listened intently as a heard my back door close. 'What did it want? Did it take anything? Do I call the police still?'. I was about to leave the bathroom when I panicked thinking it may be a trap. I quietly emerged from the bathroom tennis racket in hand. I held the racket in front of me to act as a shield or weapon. 

I walked to my room and closed the door. I quickly dialled the police and asked them to come to my house immediately and explained that I saw a person in my house but think that they may have left now. The lady on the phone told me three officers were being sent over. She made me stay on the phone with her whilst I awaited the officers arrivals.

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