Flashbacks & Pain

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When I was done packing I went to get Nate. On my way there I started thinking about when I was 4 and how my family used to be all perfect. Then I remembered how I broke out perfect family up.

"Daddy daddy guess what!! I saw you with someone else that is not mommy. Why were you eating her face off like you did to mommy last night??

Sweetie I am not your daddy I am the woman. And if you tell your mom I won't hesitate to hurt you. So shut the fuck up and go home! I hate you and everybody else in your family. If you tell your mommy then you will break your family up.

Butt I already told mommy. What ar-ree ya gonna do to me missy?

I am going to kick and punch you. She said this while punching me and kicking me. I thought daddy was here to rescue me but he just held her back well at least tried too before she told him something.

Help daddy help!! She is hurting me! I hurt I hear something crack!! I said this while crying.

Baby hold on I'm getting help. Then he threw her off of me.

He saved me but I don't know if he is still with her. That is why I am scared...

"Mommy!! You here! I miss momma. I wove wou. Momma. Why are you crwing? Who wurt you? I'm gonna beat them up." I love Nate so much. He means the world to me. Too bad his dad is not here to see this.

"Nate, mommy has to tell you something.."

"What is it mumma?"

"Bunny we are moving to go live with grandpa. Are you oka with that? You will finally get to meet real grandpa. You might be able to meet dada too."

"I might meet dada?!?! I wanna go. But isn't granpapa here?"

"That is my stepdad. not my real dad.. Let's go get you changed and packed."

"Kwy. I wove wou momma."

"I love you to Nate."

After getting the rest of Nate's stuf packed we went to say our goodbyes. While he was saying goodbye to mom and my stepdad. I went to say goodbye to CeCe. This is gonna be the hardest on her.

"CeCe I have to say goodbye and tell you something.. CeCe I love you and you are like my full blood sister but sweetie you are my half sister. Mom is both of our mom, but dad is my stepdad. I am going to move in with my real dad today. Mom is making me. Nate is coming because he is my child not your brother. I feel horrible. Dad wouldn't let me tell you. Me and mom wanted to tell you but he wouldn't let us. I will Skype you every night call you every morning and text you everyday. I got you a phone so I could call and text you. You can text me or call me if you need anything. I love you and I will miss you.."

She ran up to me with tears in her eyes. I feel horrible for her. Stupid dad wouldn't let us tell her because she was to young. Oh well she now knows. She is probably going to hate stepdad. Oh well.

Nate came in and pulled my away and hugged her to death. This is so emotional!

" Sweetie come down the taxi is here."

"Hurry up dimwit!" That would b my stepdad..

"Nate come on sweetheart it is time to go.. I love you Cece."

"Bye mom I will miss you!!"

"Bye stepdad." Then I slapped him and ran to the taxi with Nate in my arms. Goodbye life.. See you in 2 months for CeCe's birthday.


Thank you! For all of y'all's support! It means a lot.

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I am writing this on my phone until I get a laptop. She. I get a laptop I will edit these. Sorry for the mistakes.

I am sorry these are so short when I get a laptop I will make them longer.

Dedicated to Rachel99 for her support. Read her books!

The writer.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2013 ⏰

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