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For some reason, I started reflecting on the last three years today. I don't know why. But I realised, I've grown as a person. At the start of my first year of high school, I really wanted everyone to like me. I started acting less like myself and became a combination of multiple people I admire 'till this day. But now, people just have to accept me for who I am, because they won't get anything else out of me. First, I was shy and scared of people not liking me, which I think everyone is at least a little bit. But that fear has reduced to a point where I can make friends easily. Now, I just start talking to people who I think I might like. Heck, I made one of my best friends that way. I just started a conversation, it clicked, and now we can share the most personal stuff. Three years ago I would be terrified to do that. I've come out of my shell. That's the reason I'm putting this up, for the world to see and judge. You know what, I accept all the judgement I can get. You can call me names and hate me, but I want a good reason for it. If you share something, you need to ask yourself something first; Do I want to be treated the way I'm treating this person? If not, don't do it, if yes, then go ahead. My point is, change is scary. But we all go through it. And if you can't handle it on your own, tell someone. Look for someone to tell your story to. It might get a weight off your shoulders. There are many doors in life, but it's your task to open one. Every door leads to something else, something you might like. And every door is a change, for better or worse. But all your choices make you who you are today. You are a wonderful person, and nothing is gonna change that. If you want people who you like to like you back, be yourself. They might reject you, but instead, you will find people who you do like. I miss my old class, because I could be my loud and crazy self around them. I miss that feeling so much now. My new class sucks, but I still have a group of friends who I see every day, who I can be myself around and who I feel good around. Thank you for reading this, I appreciate it very much.

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