A/N: I'm going to be jumping around in the timestream, meaning I'll have the character in different places. I'm doing this because she will have no major part to play in anything. Another reason is because she stays static for monthes up to years in the same place doing the same thing, and I don't want filler chapters. On with the story! :) (this chapter is during Gaara's murder/ invasion of Suna) (she ended up with the Akatsuki during the timeskip) (sooooooo sorrrry)
The dry desert air filled my lungs, drying out my sineses as I walked through the crowded streets of Suna. I fixed the veil that was shielding most of my face. Shifting the basket on my back higher, I made my way through the crowds. The basket was full of the supplies that I would need to cut ties with the Akatsuki. Meaning, that after over two years of service, I would finally get out. I was given more tasks as I gained the trust of my captors. They needed a innocent face for some of their missions, so I became a fly on the wall.
Following the directions set out for earlier, I ended up at the library. I ducked in quietly, smiling innocenty at the librarians on duty.
Young lady, you'll have to leave the basket here. No food is permitted." one of them said
"Oh...Okay...So so sorry." I managed to stammer out convincenly. Leaving the basket at the front desk, I slipped quietly into the Poetry/History section. Tracing my finger over the titles of the volumes, I found the book I was looking for, opening it up, I caught the small piece of paper in my hand. Slipping it into my sleeve, I checked to see if anyone was around. I picked up a different volume and slipped the next set of orders into it.
I looked over my shoulder and saw no one, so I slowly walked out of the section with my nose in a book of poetry. When, I was back home, people would always bitch on me for reading and walking, because they thought I would run over people, but it never happened, so I never worried about it. Until now, I think it was because my skills were rusty. My fear wasn't long lived because some jerk bumped into me.
"Hey! Watch it!" I said, looking up into dull brown eyes and a face with ridiculus paint on.
"Maybe you shouldn't be walking around with your nose in a book." he retorted
"But you're the one who bumped into me." I shot back "Your makeup is a little smugded." I smirked before shoving the book into the shelf and leaving